Social Security Administration Scandal

2 months ago

The Biden/Harris Administration, Social Security Administration [SSA] Commissioner and Democratic politicians weaponized Social Security program against American natural born citizens for illegals and migrants, abuse their power and authority by creating seperate and unequal eligibilty standards favoring immigrants, unequal pay standards, misleading and incorrect over-payments, refusing to ensure that SSA appeals are not violating civil rights and liberties, disparity of SSI pay, causing many Americans to loose housing and food insecurity, and beneficiaries experienced political retaliation, etc.
Commissioner O'Malley is highly political and leaving Social Security for political self-interest at the DNC after Trump won as the U.S. Presidential candidate, it was alleged in news media that O'Malley states that Donald Trump was racist in 2016.
Rockville, Maryland location has long lines, bad customer service, SSA employees untrained due to SSA employees resigning, loosing documents, no ADA accomondations for their beneficiaries, supervisory staff and manager at the Rockville, Maryland location lacks proper customer services, retaliates and abuse their authority to beneficiaries they retaliates against, use their security guards as a staff. I watch them request SSA beneficiaries social security numbers [ are they bound under the privacy act] Security guard announce and threatens SSI beneficiaries that their benefits can stop if the SSA staff do not like them.
SSA OIG refuses to investigate SSA staff abuses at the Rockville Maryland location.

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