Christopher Jon Bjerknes Theory of Christianity Which Adam Green Plagiarizes 13 January 2006

2 months ago

Christopher Jon Bjerknes taught Adam Green Bjerknes' Theory of Christianity and Judaism, which Green at first rejected but now regularly plagiarizes. Bjerknes formulated his theory over the course of his lifetime and it was fully developed decades before he outlined it to Daryl Bradford Smith on 13 January 2006. The Bjerknes Theory of Christianity and Judaism, which was more fully expressed in 2006 in Bjerknes' magnum opus The Manufacture and Sale of St. Einstein, has been tremendously influential and is routinely plagiarized across the internet, though Bjerknes and his work have always been censored, shadow banned, blacklisted and suppressed across all forms of media and social media, while those who plagiarize Bjerknes' work are often heavily boosted, funded and promoted. A relentless smear campaign has been waged for decades to suppress the work and insights of Christopher Jon Bjerknes including Adam Green's deceitful smear campaign, but Green cannot escape from the historical record which absolutely proves that Green is a parrot copying Bjerknes and that Bjerknes directly taught a confused Green Bjerknes' theories, insights and revolutionary theology and history.
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