The Khazars (Mossad/DeepState) Were Responsible For 9/11

3 months ago

This horridic tradegy and who is really responsible is why the government, mainstream media, gatekeepers, 9-11 Commission, distracters, obfuscators, deceivers, and those who want to keep a lid on 9-11 don t want you to know. This is the most dangerous 9-11 information, a final taboo subject described as an atomic bomb. When the information is declassified it will forever change the way we will look at 9-11. Of course there will be those who try to conceal, cover-up, and ignore this information even those in the 9-11 truth movement itself. This data has been available. We already know why 9-11 was done, and we already know how the WTC towers were destroyed (via controlled demolitions). But for some reason, most everyone wants to shy away from Who ultimately did 9-11. There are those who never go beyond the Bush-Cheney cabal, or those who blame it on faceless, shadowy entities like the New World Order, globalists, or the Illuminati. But these individuals all belong to a massive protection racket that will do anything humanly possible to keep the finger of blame from being pointed in a certain direction. And after seeing the atrocities committed in the Middle East, we know what direction this will lead us. These people have even created pre-approved Orwellian scripts as to how we should speak about 9-11 in a politically-correct way. But the truth as pointed out in 9-11 Evil is far more brutal and immediate. The nation of Israel played a central, key role in the 9-11 terrorist attacks on our country, and now there is overwhelming proof beyond any reasonable doubt. The big question is: do you have the guts to confront the TRUTH about 9-11, or will you opt to be an ostrich with its head in the sand, just like those who sit in front of their TVs watching CNN, FOX, and CBS; refusing to accept the fact that 9-11 was not only an inside job, but also an outside job ... and the actual terrorists didn't t reside in Afghani caves, or belong to a non-existent Nazi cult. No, al-Qaeda and the swastika are merely smokescreens conveniently used to mask another symbol, the Star of David.

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