Ukraine Losing Kursk, Andrew Tate Hacked, Rejected Election Reforms - ChromoCast #3

2 months ago

Show Notes:
0:00 Intro

0:23 - Article 1
Ukraine has lost 40% of Kursk
- the western media is lying to us about Ukraines strength, and the magnitude of russias losses.
- the west is not winning this war and Ukraine has been largely gutted since 2020
- Massive portions of the countries population have been lost in battle
-Zelensky held power first through enacting emergency powers,
- when those expired he went full dictator and has held elections for another year
- The realistic and viable answer to Ukraine is a treaty with Russia that gives Russia access at least to Crimean oil fields and the black sea ports

9:29 - Article 2
hackers breach Andrew tates online university
- Andrew tate is sketch migetch
-started building his empire running cam sites
-his own sotries about that time period demonstrate a level of narcissism and objectification of anyone who isn't him thats repulsive
-he then took the money he made from cam sites and offered the mafia a relationship where he runs there las vegas brand casinos in high risk areas right up against their competitors and he would take the financial risk and they would keep large portions of the profits.
-none of his money was made through honest business
-online universities are sketch migetch and with his business history i would not trust one operated by him to be of quality.
Hopefully this will bring some more of his behind the scenes personality to light

14:49 - Article 3
Voters rejected historic election reforms across the US, despite more than $100M push
what voters rejected:
-ranked choice voting. good because it obfuscates the vote and gives election officials and the electronic voting machines an excuse to not equate someones vote to a full vote for a candidate and it gives them an excuse to continue to use complicated and opaque algorithms for calculating vote totals, which have already been criticized for not always equating one returned ballot to a full vote for a candidate.
-Ranked choice voting brings our system closer to a parliamentary system where a candidate can win with a minority of the votes, because there are many other candidates who all got smaller minorities. -This makes it easier for those with large coffers to manipulate election results through manufacturing consent
- They also rejected open primaries where both parties primaries are held together and last minute challengers who have not had time to be vetted can be nominated. This allots big money interests, more attack vectors to manipulate primary processes and ram through a selected candidate while offering the appearance of participating in a democratic process.

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