Peace from Within & What Happens in Vagus.... (the nerve) Ann Albers

1 month ago

© Ann Albers, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company,
My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Peace, dear ones, begins within. It goes without saying that there are external conditions that help you find peace more easily and conditions that challenge you to dive deep and find it within. Nonetheless, peace starts within your mind and heart.

As you learn to practice peace, you will be guided around chaos or be able to walk through it with grace. As you learn the frequency of peace, your mind opens to new possibilities, your body is allowed to heal and recalibrate as it is designed to do, and you feel more connected to your spirit, whose frequency is always one of peace.

Peace comes from feeling so connected to the Source that you trust your needs will be met and that you will be guided in grace. Peace comes from feeling the love of the Creator flowing through you to those you care about. Peace comes from knowing your own ability to attune to love and, therefore, to call to you an experience of love in your outer life.

If you wait for external conditions to make it easy for you to feel peaceful, your peace will be sporadic at best. One moment, the birds might be singing, and the next, a siren is blaring. One moment, you're feeling caught up on your bills, and the next, something needs repair. One moment, you're basking in a compliment, and the next stewing over a criticism. Waiting for external conditions to help you feel peaceful is giving your freedom up to the outer world.

Instead, dear ones, when something unsettles you, take a deep breath. Shut your eyes. Sit down if you like and imagine relaxing in the expansive love of the Source or in the arms of your angels. Take a moment to feel us with you and to reaffirm that we're here. God is here. Guidance is here for you. Breathe deeply. This helps you in two ways. The first is that it calms your biology. The second is that we can reach you more deeply in your more deeply peaceful spaces.

Tell yourself truths:

God is with me.
My angels are with me.
If I tune into what feels like peace on a regular basis, I
will experience more peace.
I know how to tune.
There are moments in life that have felt peaceful.
I can recall them.
Mm. Better....

Dear ones, we know your world appears so chaotic, and so many feel at odds, but deep down, you all want peace. Even those who want war are waging war to bring themselves an illusory peace. You can have the real thing, however—the peace that surpasses understanding, the peace that beings from the inside out, the peace that nothing and no one can take away from you. And in this peace, your life will evolve in a far more peaceful flow than if you seek it from the outside world.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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