[ICSS 20241117] Report Back From Turkey: A Failed Neocolonial Fascist State - Mehmet Bayram

2 months ago

Sunday, Nov 17, 2024: 10:30am-12:30pm Pacific Time

Report Back From Turkey: a Failed Neocolonial Fascist State

Speaker: Mehmet Bayram
Mehmet Bayram just came back from visiting and traveling inside Turkey. Capitalism and more integration to imperialism has left Turkiye as a failed, narco, gang-run country. Corruption, smuggling, human trafficking, worker exploitation has become the norm under Islamofascism where in contradiction to classical fascism, the state has withdrawn from all spheres of life except those related to the political dictatorship or to the profit making areas of the few monopolies. Resembling the Mad Max post-apocalypse films, daily life has been abandoned to gangs and these gangs control laws, rules, government and spheres of influence. Mehmet will focus on regular daily news from a few days range and show how capitalism and fascism function and politics of ensuring the continuation of fascism, profit making and outright theft determines everything.

Speaker: Mehmet Bayram is a member of the ICSS Program Committee and is a journalist, author, translator and is currently working on a book project to document the memoirs of the leftists who lived through the open fascist September 12, 1980 military coup in Turkiye.

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