X22 Report-3507-Ron Paul To Go After CB-Sum Of All Fears-Senate Is Very Important-Ad Free!

1 month ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3507a - Ron Paul Ready To Go After The [CB], Gold Purchases Accelerate

The economy is breaking down at an accelerated rate, credit rejection rates are spiking. DOGE is the answer to bring accountability and transparency. Ron Paul has now joined the DOGE team, he will go after the [CB] system. Gold purchases accelerate.

Ep. 3507b - Sum Of All Fears, Senate Is Very Important, Moves & Countermoves, Transition In Focus

 The [DS] is pushing the last part of the 16 year plan. They are pushing nuclear war. The fake news is already reporting WWIII has started. The senate was very important. Moves and countermoves, Trump is using game theory on the [DS]. The [DS] is continually pushing the notion that they want a smooth transition, which means they do not. They are pushing the narrative that Trump has not signed the Transition agreement. In reality he does not need to, the transition happens on Jan 20.

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