Eustace Mullins - Murder by Money

2 months ago

Eustace Mullins - Murder by Money

The researcher and author on the esoteric and occult - Eustace Mullins - wrote many books and gave lectures to enlighten mankind about what is going on in our world. Events, conspiracies, who is behind them and the history about it all is revealed to us, thanks to this great man.

The poet and Nobel prize laureate - Ezra Pound - asked Eustace Mullins to do research on the money system, that is the Federal Reserve system. Mr Pound himself had been incarcerated by prosecutor Alger Hiss for protesting against american participation in World War II, which was why he could not do any research for himself. Hiss was not able to build a case against Mr Pound, so he was sent to a mental institution for 13 1/2 years, until Eustace Mullins could get him released with the help of a congressman.

Now that this once big secret is revealed, more and more people all over the world are getting aware of the money system and what it is doing to us, thanks to the great Mr Mullins.

Listen and enjoy!

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