Samson's Hair! Another Picture of Pretrib Rapture

3 months ago

Did you know pretrib rapture is taught all throughout scripture? It is baffling how numerous it is clearly pictured in numerous stories, yet many can't see it and viciously attack what scripture clearly teaches. Question is why? Personally, I think it's embedded in a self centeredness or self righteousness. Like Cain and Able. Cain went away downcast because he, his own toiling and brining his first fruits from the ground was not acceptable to God. He grew angry that his efforts weren't being recognized. Then he boiled up with anger towards his brother Abel who's sacrifice was accepted, yet he didnt do anything other than bring in an animal tunning around his yard. I think that anger Cain had for his brother is the same spirit driving the attacks against pretrib and it lives in self righteousness. Something to think about, could be wrong. Wish people could understand what bible shows us over and over in His word. Petrib rapture is even shown in the cutting of Samson's hair Maybe you did. Enjoy, brother! God's word is amazing! But, Why are there so few churches who study scripture?  Why can't I find one single church in my large city who rightly teaches doctrine and Old Testament?  I have checked out over 20 and been to every website.  It is mind boggling.  Paul stated the things in old testament were written as types and shadows of things to come.  Clarence Larkin expounds on this in his book, Dispensatiinal Truth chapter 28.  A thorough study of the meaning of each hebrew word reveals a sort of story within the story.  God revealing His redemptive plan for mankind is always in perfect harmony and order.  Pretrib rapture doctrine is everywhere in scripture.  It is explicitly revealed, very logically I might add, by Paul in several places.  And its also in typology embedded in numerous old testament stories.  Here's one small example found in Samson's hair and the cutting of his hair. Who knew?  Been through story of Samson many times and never realized the stories within the story showing pictures of things to come.  While life of Samson is vast and rich with these shadows, in this particular teaching we are jumping to one particular picture/typology.  Each hebrew word has meaning which reveals this story within a story.  Like Judah.  While that is a son of Jacob and one  of twelve tribes of Israel, Judah in hebrew also means praise.  When God instructs Judah to go first, He is saying praise go first.

This teaching on Samson is just a taste, and if this doesnt get you excited...might want to check it you have a pulse.  Thank the Lord there is a church I have been studying with for few years now and have learned more about the bible and have formed incredibly sound doctrine thanks to the Superior Word Church in Sarasota Florida.  This is the only church I know of doing this ineffable work in the Old Testament.  We need more!

Here's link to full video.  I cannot recommend their content enough.  Every study is mind blowing.  Sadly, even having grown up in the church I had zero idea about bible.  It truly is beyond expression.

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