Hadin Panther Electric Cruiser -first electric American cruiser

2 months ago

When Hadin Motorcycle Co. announced it would be debuting “the very first electric American cruiser” at EICMA, lots of us in the motorcycle world heard—well, nothing. Crickets, really. That’s probably because we’d never even heard of the company, which claimed to have a California provenance, or at least a base there (the website says it was “founded in California in 2016”). A quick visit to the website immediately turned up marketing copy that could not possibly be the work of a Californian—or any American speaker, for that matter; clearly this was a Chinese company trying to leverage an LLC registration they’d obtained several years prior in the States. https://www.motorcyclecruiser.com/story/bikes/hadin-panther-electric-cruiser-debuts-at-eicma/


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