Whitney Webb Talks about the WEF, China, Elon Musk, Etc...

3 months ago

There is a plan to keep populist movements from reaching the top of governments around the world. Why? Well, because you can't have a world government if the people of the world refuse to allow you to do that, now can you?

Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and Vivek Ramaswamy have all been named by the World Economic Forum as Young Global Leaders which is a 3 to 5 year program that you have to work your way through before you are named a YGL. They have all taken specific actions to attempt to hide the fact that they are all YGL members and that they are working to advance Klaus Schwab's globalist agenda, but they are doing that. Deception is one of their favorite weapons, and they use it more than any other and they have perfected it.

If you need evidence of how good they've gotten at being deceptive, look no further than the fact that all three of those people are at the very top of Donald Trump's inner circle and have all of his advisors convinced that they are good guys rather than who they really are, globalists. Tulsi is going to be the DNI for Donald Trump, that is the Director of National Intelligence. As a spy, could you possibly ask for a better position if you were fighting against the cause you are claiming to represent? She will cause so much damage to Trump's movement, and he will never know anything about it because the only person in the world who will know what his happening will be Tulsi. It was the worst choice for a sensitive government position that I have ever seen a president make for an appointment, and his advisors are not only not telling him who she is, but they are praising this appointment and advocate in favor of it. Sad.

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