You’re subscribed to a channel called 5D full disclosure…but

3 months ago

You’re subscribed to a channel called 5D full disclosure…but when the topic of Q, pleadians, or ascension comes up…you mock it, laugh, and call people names.

That’s the split. If it’s too “outrageous” for your belief systems, than its not for you. You’ve chosen the illusion. You’ve chosen to stay in 3D.

The others FEEL truth. We probably don’t even need to tell YOU (the ones who have embraced the path to new Earth) at this point because you already know.

You need to innerstand that what is “too outrageous” for you to beLIEve, is exactly why you’re still the same version of yourself. You’ve chosen the illusionary matrix, the simulation, and you’re ignoring the soul growth that has been needed for YOU to get to the next level in the game.

It does not make you “smarter” or more “realistic”, quite the opposite actually.

THE END WONT BE FOR EVERYBODY. 4-6% won’t make it.

Which side have you landed on?

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