Jonathan D.T. Ward: U.S. Should Impose Tough Sanctions on Hong Kong

1 month ago

11/22/2024 Jonathan D.T. Ward, Hudson Institute Senior Fellow: As Hong Kong plays a growing role in helping the Chinese Communist Party, Russia, Iran and North Korea evade sanctions, the U.S. will eventually have to impose tough sanctions on Hong Kong. And Wall Street is going to have to finally get on the right side here.
#USChinaRelations #HongKong #Sanctions #Trump #WallStreet #jonathandtward #CCP
11/22/2024 哈德逊研究所高级研究员乔纳森·沃德:随着香港在帮助中共、俄罗斯、伊朗和朝鲜逃避制裁方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,美国最终将不得不对香港实施严厉制裁。华尔街也必须最终站在正确的一边。
#美中关系 #香港 #制裁 #川普 #华尔街 #中共 #乔纳森·沃德

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