Jonathan D.T. Ward: CCP Access to U.S. Markets Should Be Cut Off

11 days ago

11/22/2024 Jonathan D.T. Ward, Hudson Institute Senior Fellow: The entire ascendancy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is due in large part to its access to the U.S. market, and the incoming administration should cut off the CCP's access to the entire North American market and impose a full range of sanctions on the CCP's state-owned enterprises.
#CCP #BeltandRoad #Tariffs #Decoupling #TakeDownCCP #jonathandtward
11/22/2024 哈德逊研究所高级研究员乔纳森·沃德:中共的整个崛起很大程度上都源于他们能够进入美国市场,新政府应该切断中共进入整个北美市场的渠道,并且对中共国有企业实施全方位制裁。
#中共 #一带一路 #关税 #脱钩 #打倒共产党 #乔纳森·沃德

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