How did Big Pharma get away with this? 👇🏻

4 days ago

How did Big Pharma get away with this? 🤔 Well, when our country is run on money, that’s what happens. There was zero trial transparency when Tamiflu was approved. It hasn’t been proven to prevent any complications from the flu, nor does it prevent pneumonia. Many people have reported hallucinations as a side effect, yet it’s still the go-to medication for many doctors.

✅ That’s why it’s important to educate yourself and question everything. 📚🤔 Your family’s health and your own health should be your top priority and responsibility. Don’t rely on someone else to take care of it for you.

✅ Instead, learn how to make your own medicines and use home remedies that are often more effective with fewer side effects.

One of my favorite remedies is my Kid-Friendly Fire Cider, which is effective in treating colds and the flu. Here’s the recipe:

🍊 Orange
🫐 Dried Elderberries
🍑 Pomegranate
🌿 Turmeric
🍠 Ginger
🌿 Fresh Rosemary
🌿 Fresh Thyme
🌿 Fresh Oregano
🍯 Raw Honey
🍎 Raw Apple Cider Vinegar


Layer everything in a clean jar.
Fill 2/3 of the jar with Apple Cider Vinegar.
Top it off with Raw Honey.
Shake once a day for the next 2-3 weeks.
Strain and use afterward. 🍵🌟


Adults: 1 tablespoon every hour when sick or 1 tablespoon a day for prevention.
Kids: 1 teaspoon every two hours when sick or 1 teaspoon a day for prevention.


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