Pressure Biofeedback Core Stability Trainer Device

2 months ago

Biotronix Pressure Biofeedback Core Stability Trainer Device

Pressure Biofeedback
Physiotherapy Feeback
0-200 mmhg
Measuring Range
Exercise Performance
Core Stabilizers
Analogue Model
Display Gauge
Lumbopelvic Core
Chiropractic Use
Exercise Feedback
Lower Back Pain Relief
Lumbar Stabilizer
Posture Correction
Core Muscle Training
Pressure Biofeedback

Biotronix Solution Forever® Stabilizer Pressure Biofeedback unit gives valuable information to ensure quality and precision in exercise performance and muscle testing. It allows the clinician and patient to determine if the patient is able to selectively isolate and maintain contractions of the cervical or lumbopelvic core stabilisation muscles. The measuring range is 0-200 mmHg analog pressure with an accuracy of +/- 3 mnHz pressure. Key Benefits Use with exercise to protect and stabilise joints Prevent and treat low back and neck pain Improve core stabilisation exercises Enhance home exercise programs Stabiliser unit comes complete with display gauge, The measuring range is 0-200 mmhg analogue pressure with an accuracy of 3 mnhz pressure It allows the clinician and patient to determine if the patient is able to selectively isolate and maintain contractions of the cervical or lumbopelvic core stabilization muscles The stabilizer pressure Bioresponse unit gives valuable information to ensure and precision in exercise performance and muscle testing Accurately measure and monitor body movements during exercise with the Biotronix Monitor exercise feedback device! This simple device consists of a combination gauge/inflation bulb connected to a pressure chamber. Its straightforward design makes it easy for physical therapists and athletic trainers to detect real-time changes in clients' air pressure during exercise and make positional adjustments.

Pressure Biofeedback Device, Core Stability Trainer, Biofeedback Core Stability Device, Core Stability Training Equipment, Biofeedback Pressure Trainer, Core Strength Training Device, Pressure Feedback Stability Trainer, Core Stability Monitoring Device, Biofeedback Core Training Device

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ADDRESS : F-400, Sudershan Park ,Moti Nagar ,Near Gopal ji Dairy ,ND-110015
Location : Biotronix Care
097119 91264

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