Keiko Food & Travel Reviews Quick Demo for mobile and web

27 days ago

Keiko Food & Travel Reviews Quick Demo for mobile, iOS, Android, and Web.

This is a little sneak peek at the latest project that I am working on.

Develop a beautiful full stack production-ready app, step by step, with offline/online cloud syncing by applying different concepts, not just learning them separately without knowing how to combine them.

• This video demonstrates the development of an application.
• The video showcases various screens and features of the application.
• Authentication functionality is shown, including a login screen and a forgot password screen.
• Users can create a new account and log in with their email and password.
• The application has three main sections: reviews, photos, and locations.
• The reviews section displays a list of reviews with photos, ratings, and location information.
• Users can tap on items in the list to view the photos and zoom in on them.
• The video shows the application running on both an iPhone simulator and an Android emulator.
• Editing functionality is demonstrated, allowing users to modify review details and change photos, ratings, and locations.
• The changes are automatically saved to the cloud and reflected in the review list.

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