Ursula Haverbeck 18.04.2009 Protest gegen die Fälschung der Geschichte der Russlanddeutschen

2 months ago

German language, no subtitles
18.04.2009 Protest against the falsification of the history of the Russian Germans
Kundgebung gegen die Fälschung der Geschichte der Russlanddeutschen
Rally against the falsification of the history of the Russian Germans
Rede Haverbeck | Protest gegen die Fälschung der Geschichte der Russlanddeutschen
Haverbeck speech | Protest against the falsification of the history of the Russian Germans

Ein Rückblick zur Kundgebung am Düsseldorfer Landtag. Schon 2009 machten Mitglieder des ARMINIUS-Bunds die Öffentlichkeit auf Fälschungen der Geschichte der Russlanddeutschen aufmerkam, die vorallem in Schulbüchern praktiziert wurden. Es spricht hier Ursula Haverbeck.
A review of the rally at the Düsseldorf state parliament. As early as 2009, members of the ARMINIUS-Bund drew public attention to falsifications of the history of the Russian Germans, which were mainly practiced in school textbooks. Ursula Haverbeck is speaking here.

Date: 18.04.2009
Location: Düsseldorfer Landtag. (Düsseldorf state parliament)

Introduction and background: Johann Thießen, Bundesvorsitzender (National Chairman) of the Arminius-Bund political party, invites Ursula Haverbeck to the stage. Johann Thießen offers the microphone to Ursula Haverbeck, but she asks him to hold the microphone for her and he is happy to oblige. Johann Thießen stands to the camera left position of the video and Ursula Haverbeck starts her speech. The speaker’s podium has a large sign with big block letters that translate to: AGAINST THE FALSIFICATION OF THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN GERMANS. The topic of the speech is in relation to the discrimination currently being faced in Germany by the “Russlanddeutschen”. The Russlanddeutschen are ethnic Germans that had emigrated to Russia under the invitation of Peter the Great and then later Catherine the Great in 1700s Russia. During the Bolshevik and Soviet regime in Russia, the Russlanddeutschen were massacred and enslaved in large numbers. After the fall of the Berlin wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Germans had the freedom to leave Russia for the first time since 1917. During the speech, counter-protestors can be heard yelling and police sirens blaring, but a small enthusiastic crowd is in attendance giving applause and support. Ursula Haverbeck speaks in a clear and confident voice and the audio recording quality is very good. Ursula Haverbeck, born 1928, was 80 years old at the time of this speech. A short clip of this speech is featured in the BBC documentary “The Last Nazis” episode 2 of 3 titled “Most Wanted” last broadcast September, 2009.

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20150225025805/http://arminius-bund.de:80/10-aktuelles/83-youtube-haverbeck-duesseldorf.html

A short clip of this speech was shown in episode 2 of 3 in the following BBC documentary:
The Last Nazis, Most Wanted. last broadcast: 19 Sep 2009. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00mzrnr

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