INTENSE Ascension Symptoms & Solstice Upgrades! ❤️

1 month ago

Ascension Symptoms have been at an ALL TIME HIGH as we gear up for Solstice in about FIVE days from now! Based on the ways the energies are intensifying and accelerating, it truly feels like we are gearing up for something MASSIVE in the next year or two at most.

Earth is upgrading to its Crystalline frequency, and humanity is following. As we approach Solstice this June 21st, some of you may start to see Ascension energies show up through your Physical Body.

These energies can cause fevers, chills, sweats, severe headaches, fatigue and so on. Remember that your body is releasing and resetting.

There is nothing wrong with you. In fact, these changes are here to HELP you attune to the new frequencies of Earth to handle these ascension upgrades better. These energies are here to show you what’s out of alignment in your life, in yourself, in others around you.

Remember that as you RELEASE, you make SPACE for new energies, new friends, new relationships, more abundance, more joy to enter your life.

How have the energies been for you? What Ascension Symptoms have you been experiencing? Comment below and let us know.

Love you all,


💎Check out our June Workshops at *New Earth Mystery School* 😊 Light Language Activation Workshop coming up TOMORROW, June 17th.

Entity, Implant & J-Seal Quantum Healing coming up on June 29th where we will be using PLEAIDIAN TECHNOLOGY to clear your field of any implants that are coming in the way of your Ascension and causing you to feel out of Sync with Earth’s frequencies.

Also, our “STEP INTO YOUR HIGHER SELF on the 777 Portal” event coming up on July 7th 😊 $88 per month membership gets you ALL events at New Earth Mystery School❤️Details at

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