DMG A Breakthrough Nutrient Gives Cancer, Autism & Cardiovascular Patients A New Lease On Life!

1 month ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

Judy Mikovits, PhD: Dimethylglycine. That's critical, because on the left-hand side is eggs, choline, eggs.

Robert Scott Bell: That was the question of the vegans out there.

Judy Mikovits, PhD: You got to eat eggs, clean eggs and methionine. This is what your cows eat. You know, MTHFR has transmethylation reactions. Your X chromosome is only coming from your eggs, nobody's getting near your chromosome. God protected us. And you see right here, you're breaking down sarcasine from meat, and you're coming here, and you're making energy ATP, you use energy. Methionine is in the soil. S-adenosyl Methionine, again, don't take NAC, you know, everybody just gets a little too smart, leans on their own understanding. So if you combine Pro Lean Greens and Cardio Miracle, and you have to dose it down a bit because it provides so much oxygen, then that chlorophyll and apples and grape seed and apple seed. So you see that protects our genome. That's supposed to say DNA, in all red, and its key nutrients. And this is like an 80s book that said how a breakthrough nutrient gives cancer, autism, and cardiovascular patients a new lease on life!

11/21/2024 - Robert Scott Bell Show, at the Richardson Nutrition Center, on Pancreatic Cancer Day

- Pro Lean Greens:
- Cardio Miracle:
- RNC Laetrile and More:

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