Steamed Cod Fillets with Jalapeno Salt & Jalapeno Chili Crisp by Gastro Guru

3 months ago

Steamed Cod Fillets with Jalapeno Salt & Jalapeno Chili Crisp by Gastro Guru
I used JALAPENO SALT to season my Steamed Cod Fillets & JALAPENO CHILI CRISP to smother them once steamed & plated! Using these was a game changer & totally enhanced the flavors from simple to elevated! I have provided the links to both items below, along with Ingredients & Recipe.


2 Cod Fillets - about 200 grams total
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp Jalapeno Salt
1 tbsp Jalapeno Chili Crisp

Cooking Instructions:
Add ample water to your steamer & bring it to a boil
Clean & pat dry Cod fillets with paper towel
Drizzle & coat cod fillets with olive oil on both side
Season the fillets by sprinkling Jalapeno Salt on both sides
Place seasoned cod fillets in a steaming-basket & place them in steamer
Close steamer lid and steam the fillets for about 10 minutes
By now the fillets will be done and flake easy with a fork
Open steamer lid and gently transfer steamed cod fillets to a serving dish
Smother/apply Jalapeno Chili Crisp to the fillets
Sprinkle Jalapeno Salt around it for presentation/decoration
Wala! Our easy & delicious Steamed Cod Fillets are ready to be enjoyed!

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