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Pentagon’s Missing Trillions and Shooting down UFOs

3 months ago

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Nov23, 2024


00:01:28 URGENT MESSAGE for HUMANITY – James Gilliland video
00:03:33 Congressman Tim Burchett on Pres Trump releasing UFO files
00:07:40 Volcanic lightning gives us a compelling reason for why UFOs are often seen entering/leaving volcanoes.
00:09:15 The Illuminati took over a military network of DUMBs to create corporate-controlled SSPs and Satanic Lodges - Interview with Gene Decode
00:11:35 Kerry Cassidy and positive human-looking ‘Nordic’ ETs
00:16:08 I was a guest on Scot McKay's podcast where we discussed ET disclosure, the Trump administration, Nordic ETs/Galactic Federation, etc.
00:17:28 The subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities from the US Senate Armed Services Committee hold a meeting on UAPs/UFOs featuring only one witness: Dr. Jon Kosloski
00:23:30 Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who chairs the Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, has proposed a bill that will authorize the Pentagon to shoot down UAPs/UFOs over sensitive military sites
00:25:22 Announcement - Monthly Briefing Webinar – Trump Administration and ET Disclosure (insert banner)
00:28:16 JP’s Nordic Encounter & Medbed - Update 40
00:30:09 Sec Def Lloyd Austin says he knows of no UFO cases that are a national security, but they nevertheless are a mystery the Pentagon will continue to investigate.
00:33:53 Friday marked the 61st anniversary of JFK's assassination. Most are unaware of the UFO factor in the assassination.

Twitter Feed: https://twitter.com/michaelsalla

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