John & Juan – War Updates With Juan O’Savin - Inauguration March 2025? Buckle Up! | 11/22/24

3 months ago


- Original inauguration date was March. Learn about this in this episode

- A prayer for warrior hero Lt. Scott Bennett (R.I.P.) A prayer for others as well

- Election 2024 – We are far from out of the woods on this 107 explains why

- Can DJT be President? The 14 th amendment prevents one from being President

– the left may invoke - What is this and how and why?

- When will DJT legally and constitutionally be in office? March 2025?

- America is a hijacked operation – DJT will act as a dictator – why?

- Juan discusses the RINO’S role in the DS operation

- The staging for civil unrest in 14 locations underway – what initiates the chaos?

- Drama coming – it won’t be bloodless

- What did President Trump discuss with Juan and others?

- Over next year a rapid shift will take place

- White hats move at right time – the cure can’t be worse than the disease

- Ukraine fight was in part about energy into EU for Russia to be paid on – money and energy

- Peak oil is a farce – Drill baby drill – controlling energy controls the enemy

- Staged attempt of chemical weapons coming to Ukraine blaming it on Russia

- Significant segment of population believes DJT is forming a NAZI administration

- How safe is Trump? Entire city could be sacrificed to take out DJT-Prayer

- Is Trump forming a warmonger team to fight Israel’s wars? 107 weighs in

- Will Flynn serve in the Trump administration? A discussion regarding Flynn

- The Podcaster Presidency what will the press room look like 2025 going

- Juan warns podcasters to vet data stop promoting unsupported lies and
fabrications as facts – 107 gives advice on being in the new Trump media

- What’s Lara Logan up to – new news network?

- Brunson case is far from over – Rule 11 applies timing – sit tight – Will Congress be removed from office? Brunson case is still in play!

- Silver-gold forecast revisited – position unchanged – Gold and silver =
Constitutional currency

- Americas comeback will begin to usher in the Golden Age

NOTICE: Many frauds weigh in as me (JMC). I NEVER promote or sell any QFS,
Crypto, wallets etc. These people are reported as fraud and are banned but new ones crop up every week.

Juan has been serving this nation since the time of Ronald Regan and is a major voice today providing much needed intel and analysis in this war. He is very well connected I’ll leave it at that. His clandestine assignments and self-imposed directives (many which are unknown to the public), play a critical role in protecting this nation and its interests for decades. A good friend, and most valuable voice and resource for the new media.
Learn more about Juan here:

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