Turtle wow - Alt'lympic Games - Day 1 - part 2

4 months ago

Please join me for another relaxing video of Turtle wow content exploration.

For the Alt challenge i've chosen alliance, simply because the chance to get a tent is higher and thus making my leveling speed with my low available time higher.
Second i've chose paladin class, because i want to tank dungeons while leveling up (and dungeon level is the fastest way to level).

Alt'lympic Games
Create a new character and level it up! For every 10 levels, you’ll earn these rewards:
Level 10: 15 Fashion Coins
Level 20: Black Top Hat + 15 Fashion Coins
Level 30: Scotty, Robot Minipet + 15 Fashion Coins
Level 40: Adventurer’s Lucky Tabard + 15 Fashion Coins
Level 50: Wanderer’s Pouch (20-slot bag) + 15 Fashion Coins
Level 60: Tel’Abim Gorilla (mount) + 15 Fashion Coins

You can send the Tel'Abim Gorilla Mount to any character on your account, as long as they’re on the same realm!
During this event only, the rest bonus gained from tents is doubled!
Characters must be created after this message was sent to qualify for level-up rewards

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