"Cowards take hostages, Klingons do not" - Heart of Glory S1E19 - REVIEW.

2 months ago

In this episode we talk about 'Heart of Glory'. An episode that more than meets the eye with subsequent viewings once TNG and DS9 have wrapped up. This is related to the broadening of Klingon culture with this episode, while importantly, raising questions about the Federation/Klingon alliance before Star Trek 6 came out.

We also talk about unevenness with the setup to the episode's main storyline, Roddenberry's 'No conflict rule", this being a Worf focused episode, Picard's arc playing with dangerous materials, Tasha Yar is side-lined again, Klingons can make weapons from random items on their uniform, and much more.

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0:00 - Introduction Clip
0:16 - Welcome
1:27 - Adam’s First Thoughts
1:51 - My First Thoughts
2:20 - Adam’s First Thoughts Continued
3:42 - Good Things
4:22 - “Predator Vision”
7:22 - Roddenberry’s ‘No Conflict” Rule
8:40 - Worf is a Hipster exploring Klingon Culture
10:17 - Consensus Around the Peace Treaty
11:41 - Fatigue with the Klingons in the 90s
13:05 - The Undiscovered Country
19:22 - Disruptor in his Pants
20:35 - Bad Things
23:49 - Get Closer to the Fissure!
25:56 - Dramatic Zoom Out!
26:58 - Racist Against Klingons
28:14 - Fun Facts
30:32 - In Summary

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