"How Basic Shall I Be?"- Where No One Has Gone Before S1E06 - REVIEW.

3 months ago

In this episode we discuss the 6th episode of Str Trek: The Next Generation - Where No Man Has Gone Before.

0:00 - Introduction
1:45 - First Thoughts
2:41 - Character Analysis - Kozinski
3:32 - Clashing Personalities - Picard and Riker
4:23 - Good Things
5:47 - Special Effects
6:20 - Strange and Enjoyable Episode
7:14 - Jonathan has met ‘The Traveller’
8:05 - Funny Moments and Misunderstandings
9:16 - Flashbacks and Filming Efforts
10:05 - Random Moments of Crew Members' Hobbies
12:30 - Improved Crew Interactions
14:08 - Picard Takes Control
16:30 - Fresh Ideas and Growth
17:33 - Nitpicks
18:27 - Episode’s Stereotypes
19:48 - Wesley's Importance
20:50 - “Contradicting” the Picard Series
22:14 - Writing Issues and Wesley's Specialness
23:38 - Why the Pessimism?
24:10 - Concerns about being in a Distant Galaxy
25:14 - Quotes and fun facts
28:02 - Enjoyment of the episode
29:07 - Episode preference

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