Saturday Night LIVE: The Founding Fathers Plan to Save the World...

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Saturday Night LIVE: The Founding Fathers Plan to Save the World...

2:00pm PST, 4:00pm CST, 5:00pm EST, 10:00pm London Time, 11:00pm SAST, 9:00am Sydney Australia, 11:00am Wellington NZ

All Right, get Ready for it, this Saturday Night, November 23rd at 4:00pm CST, we will be LIVE with a Truly Amazing Show where we will lay out for you the Greatest Sting Operation of them All, the Corporation of the United States of America, where the Founding Fathers created the United States of America as a TRAP for the Canaanites and their Minions, the Ultimate Roach Motel, where the Monsters came in for Nefarious Purposes, and but they didn’t come back out...

During the Show I will explain this entire Tale of how the Republic of the United States of America, through a Brilliantly Devised Plan created by the Founding Fathers, set in Motion a series of Events that were so Brilliant that NO ONE but those Few in the Know, ever Knew what was Happening, and how the Republic went Underground, along with Abraham Lincoln, to give Rise to the Military Trap that was being Set for the Canaanites under the RUSE of the Corporation of the United States of America, where this Body APPEARED to be Lawful and Responsible for the Contracts they signed, but in fact, they were NOT…as this Corporation was set up to Do Business with the Canaanites Prized Possession, their Federal Bank of USURY, where thru Interest Charged to the Creation of a ’New’ American Currency, created out of THIN AIR, and Backed by NOTHING other than the Paper it was Printed upon, the Canaanites KNEW that within 200 years they would end up OWNING the United States by Driving America Bankrupt thru the False Debt accrued to their system of Usury...

But the Canaanites couldn’t see that they were being Played, and that each decade more and more information about the Canaanities was being Collected by the White Hats, including Who they were, Where they Lived, and What their End Game truly was…Abraham Lincoln played the Most Important and Dangerous Role of All, by Driving the Canaanites OUT of America via the Civil War, then Faking his own Death, and going Behind the Scenes to become the First Commander of the Q Operation to Takedown the Cabal, where Lincoln began the INFILTRATION of All Cabalistic Enterprises in the United States. President Ulysses S. Grant, Lincoln’s favorite General, followed Andrew Johnson as the 18th President of the United States, but by 1876, Grant was now the FIRST President of the Corporation of the United States, and the First of the Military Presidents that Treated with the Cabal…

Eventually, with the Ascension to Power of JFK in 1960, the Second Phase of the Plan kicked in where JFK, like Lincoln, faked his own Death to go underground and Command Q, thru the Phase of Advanced Infiltration of the Q Plan, and the beginning of Covert Military Operations across the Earth to Deal the Canaanites endless Strategic Blows to their Power Base, and begin to ERODE their Power, all the While allowing them to Believe that they were still in Control…and all of this Set the FINAL STAGE for the Arrival of The General, Donald J. Trump, who entered the Scene as the Skirt Chasing, Egoic, Golden Fingered Businessman in Manhattan, who built an Image that was Larger than Life, and an Image that the Cabal actually LIKED and Worked with to expand his Real Estate Transactions, all the while, Allowing Trump and the Military to come Closer and Closer, until during the Eighties, Reagan, Trump and the Military Attacked the Cabal at Home (Taking Down the 5 NYC Crime Families, with the Help of the Mafia’s Own Lawyer, Trump’s Close Friend and Advisor, Roy Cohn) and Abroad (the Covert Plan to Arm the Afghani Freedom Fighters with Confuscated Soviet Arms, so that they could Take Back Afghanistan while Bankrupting the Cabal thru Disaster after Disaster, until the Soviet Union turned tale and Ran from Afghanistan while they still could), until the Berlin Wall Collapsed, and the Soviet Union Fell, and the Mafia in America was placed in Jail and their Operations taken down…and then during the Nineties, the White Hats Cleaned up the World by going from Country to Country and Liberating these Sovereign Nations, and putting the Power back into the Hands of the White Hats, in Preparation for September 11, 2001 and the Beginning of the Movie to Wake Up the World to what has been going on, and who and what our Enemy Truly is...

So, Take a Deep, Deep Breathe, and then Join us this Saturday Night Live for an absolutely Stunning Show, that will Answer all of your Questions and Leave your Head Spinning around in Amazement of what the United States of America accomplished with this Ancient Plan that their Founding Fathers set in Motion...See you this Saturday Night, LIVE…

With Love,

CF and Collywog

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