Powerblock Powerbench 2.0 & Attachments

3 months ago

Powerblock Powerbench 2.0 & Attachments

➡️ Check out the Powerblock Powerbench 2.0 https://ShreddedDad.com/Powerbench
➡️ Use coupon code GUERVA20 for a discount

➡️ Powerblock Powerbench 2.0 review https://ShreddedDad.com/powerblock-powerbench

➡️ Go to https://ShreddedDad.com for garage gym equipment reviews and discounts

Powerblock Powerbench 2.0 Specs

Weight capacity: 1000 lbs

Weight capacity for attachments: 500 lbs

Build: 12 gauge, 75 mm x 75 mm tubing

Adjustable bench angles: Flat, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 80 degrees

Seat angles: Flat and 20 degrees

Attachments: Compatible with a pull up bar, dip bar, and ab attachment

Powerblock Discount Code

➡️ Check out the Powerblock Powerbench 2.0 https://ShreddedDad.com/Powerbench
➡️ Use coupon code GUERVA20 for a discount

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Powerblock Powerbench 2.0 & Attachments

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