Sonnet VII from 'The Assent' sonnet sequence, long poem by R.C.Appleton.

3 months ago

Sonnet VII

The other shore, then, after all is done
And said, is without murmur or complaint
For what is perfect is a finished sun
And shines forever, without blot or taint;
We journey to completion and return
Again to where we were, but somewhat changed,
Reborn from the great fire in which we burn
However else we fail, become estranged;
Though if we would be graceful, learn to dance
With such renewal in the living flame
Then there are marriages beyond romance
And sacraments that stand and have a name;
There are such promises as shall defy
All usage in this world of forms that die.

Print copy of 'The Assent' sonnet sequence as a full color book see:

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