I Fought For You

4 months ago

Track 9. I Fought For You

Joe Murray 
Ultima Ratio

Produced by Joe Murray (7’th Sense Productions)
Instrumental by Sinima Beats

Stream/Download ‘Ultima Ratio’ the album on BandCamp: https://joemurray1.bandcamp.com/album/ultima-ratio

Stream/Download ‘Ultima Ratio’ the album on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-729189835/sets/ultima-ratio

Stream ‘Ultima Ratio’ the album on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/73TTyXtrWVAkvG9wDNZj2a

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(Child laughing)
Ah, you’re breaking daddy’s heart G
You’re getting so big too fast 
Come here babe
I want to tell you something

(Verse 1)

From the moment I saw your face
I was struck with a love I never felt before
So pure and I never felt so sure
Of who I really was and what my true purpose is
Why I’m even breathing
The very reason I was put on this earth to live
To serve as your father
An honor gifted by the God of all Creation
And I’m forever indebted to its greatness
Amazed that I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl
Someone I’m to raise and protect in this absolutely crazy world
And when I say crazy, it’s an understatement 
A madhouse, where everyone seems to become complacent 
With immorality
Live in the service of man instead of God’s will
Which has been blocked in their mentality 
Deliberately, by those who don’t want us to know our divinity 
So we look outward for answers
Giving them our energy
Yet there’s beauty to be found in everything, everyday
I’m here to show you how it all works 
And trust me when I say


I fought for you
I saw the state of the world
Where it was goin’
Took a stand for what was right
Wasn’t having it from no one 
I fought for you
While everybody stayed silent and complied
That’s when I spoke my mind 
And went against the tide
I fought for you
I stood up and looked this world in the eye
Ready to die for you kiddo
I put my life on the line
I fought for you
And it was well worth the battle cus it was all for you
I just want you to know that I fought for you

(Verse 2)

It ain’t easy when the world thinks your crazy and you become an outcast 
But I believe I was chosen and given the strength to outlast 
Especially when you came
It altered every choice I made then
I stood up and spoke the truth even when my voice was shakin’ 
I lost friends and family just trying to point out their own insanity
It took the man in me 
To take a stand and be the change that this world so desperately needed
When those I loved couldn’t see it
I refused to stand defeated
Your world with no freedom was the biggest fear of my life
I’d sit back watching you play with tears in my eyes
Knowing if I didn’t get up and fight 
You wouldn’t have a future
So I played my part and left great works for you to review 
My little one, and the rest you’ll learn as you go
You’ll learn and you’ll grow
And feel that fire burn in your soul
Cus you came from me
So you better know that your something special
God blessed you
But you’ll be tested too
Just letting you know


I fought for you
I saw the state of the world
Where it was goin’
Took a stand for what was right
Wasn’t having it from no one 
I fought for you
While everybody stayed silent and complied
That’s when I spoke my mind 
And went against the tide
I fought for you
I stood up and looked this world in the eye
Ready to die for you kiddo
I put my life on the line
I fought for you
And it was well worth the battle cus it was all for you
I just want you to know that daddy fought for you

“I really did my sweetheart. Even when it was uncomfortable, even when relationships were on the line, even when my income was on the line, I stood up and spoke the truth and fought for what was right, with you on my mind through it all. You were my inspiration, you were my drive, you are my purpose, and I love you to death kiddo. Never forget it.”

Huge shout out to DISL Automatic, Polar Tha White, SinThesis, SA Universal and the Get Big On Em family! Love you all! And another big shout out to Vendetta Beats, Jakomo Beats, Dansonn Beats, SadikBeatz and Sinima Beats. You guys are amazing! Keep them coming!

This album is dedicated to my mother, Donna. Thank you for being my guardian angel.

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