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Louder with Crowder
Speaker 1 0:32
Some people have a deep, abiding respect for the constitutional law that created this country,
Unknown Speaker 0:40
and some people don't it
Unknown Speaker 0:43
started liberalism, mug luck.
Unknown Speaker 0:46
Can stop it.
Speaker 2 0:49
Join mug Club today for $89 annually. Or try it mug list for $9 a month. You can sign up at ladder with credit, comm slash mug club for the entire catalog, including Nick DiPaolo, Brian Callum, Mr. Guns and gear, and, of course, Alex Jones, Along with 100% more of this show you,
Unknown Speaker 1:43
uh, it's Columbus Day. Did you know that? Yay. Happy
Speaker 2 1:46
Columbus Day. Indigenous peoples day is some, as the people say, who you want to avoid. It's a big thing now. Columbus Day people want indigenous I mean, it's tired. We've dealt with this for a for a while. So we're going to get some fast facts on Columbus Day that you may not know, but I don't know if you're aware this, there was an assassination attempt, or was there on Donald Trump this weekend. We have some have a little bit of information that maybe hasn't come to light. We'll talk about that. It's not exactly what you thought. And then JD Vance has actually proven to be a net a net gain, a net asset for the Trump administration, whereas wall seems to be a liability, hasn't that switched? And we're going to go through some of his press this weekend on illegal immigration, the housing shortage, and of course, they tried to fact check him. But why everything that he said is correct, and this all goes back to this election. Hey, do you believe that the United States of America has the right to be a country with its own culture and with its own standards for what we accept. As far as immigrants at this point, I think remember 2016 it was racist for Donald Trump to say they're not sending their best. We need to build a wall. The wall was equated with racism. Today, most Americans support some form of deportation, and I think that's why Donald Trump is 10 points ahead in the vetting, the Vegas betting odds, the poly market spread. So you can comment below if at some point today when we discuss immigration, which I have no doubt will happen. You see this, head on over to rumble. It's a it's a live show weekdays, 10am Eastern, because we're not going to self censor on YouTube, and we don't know how long we'll be here, probably not for election. Captain Morgan, number two, CEO,
Speaker 3 3:21
how are you? I'm doing fantastic. It'll probably be me that gets us kicked off, which will be kind of ironic. Happens a lot, absolutely. How
Speaker 2 3:27
are you? I'm good. My voice is a little loud in my headphones, but it's me, because I'm not used to this yell. Think my ears are a little bit blocked out, a little bit. No, yeah, there's a virus going around. Okay, who cares when you hear this? You know, october 26 Bricktown Comedy Club, Oklahoma City. Mr. Josh Firestein, how are you?
Speaker 4 3:41
I'm good. I'm good. I'm happy because we live in Texas now, and in past years, there's been an argument every year about how dad doesn't want me doesn't want to go the pumpkin patch. Yep, as a pumpkin patch sucks. Yeah. God, it's a whore. What
Unknown Speaker 3:54
does that do with Texas? I
Unknown Speaker 3:55
just, well, I don't, can't go. It's 93
Speaker 2 3:59
degrees. There's still pumpkin patch is a plenty. These people are crazy. No, no, I went to one. And my daughter, when she was two, picked up a chicken. She caught a chicken. She was two years old. You get to keep it well, you would think that seems like the rules. They've gone away. They've done away with the take a chicken, leave a chicken box, which
Unknown Speaker 4:16
is the Tyson pumpkin patch.
Speaker 2 4:19
No, I turned around and she has a chicken. She's two years old. She's holding now, of course, this chicken, and had its beak saw down, and it's deep Allen, just like COVID torture, but pretty much, you know, she caught it so oppressive you have to go to a pumpkin patch. Okay, well,
Unknown Speaker 4:31
there's free chickens out there. I'll check it out. Yes, there are.
Unknown Speaker 4:34
Well, there certainly are. If you're a Haitian migrant, do
Speaker 2 4:37
you think they say everything like, do you think instead of taste like chicken, they say taste like chicken, they say taste like Canadian goose, they don't. So Kamala Harris
Unknown Speaker 4:47
is still running.
Speaker 2 4:49
She's still running for president. I don't know if you know that. And yesterday, she spoke at, I think, a church. And I've listened to this. I've watched it rather. Yeah, five times I still don't understand it. Which brings us to today in Kamala.
Speaker 5 5:04
I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been. You know, because what we see is so hard to see that we lose faith or a vision of those things we cannot see. But must know, I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been, you know?
Speaker 2 5:29
Oh, I get it. She was talking about her vision quest. So that's what's been going on.
Unknown Speaker 5:40
That's speculation.
Speaker 3 5:42
Listen, there are emails, but we haven't verified those yet. That was,
Speaker 2 5:46
I actually think that Kamala Harris, like, if you've ever had a friend on drugs who has a bunch of bad ideas, and they think that they are great ideas, I actually think she really believes in her mind, she's like a Barack Obama. She's an inspiring speaker, and she thinks all this double speak, all this word salad, I've got them in the palm of my hand, and there's nothing that her handlers can tell her, no, as far as this isn't working the way you think? No, no, people, they're really they're feeling it. No, they're not that. Well, agree to disagree. Not
Speaker 3 6:12
how this works. By the way, when she loses the election, like, a week or two later, everybody's gonna be coming out. Oh, thank God, I don't have to work for her anymore. Yes, all this fake support people like, I only did it for as long as I could. Okay, guys, well, what people are going to
Speaker 2 6:25
say as well. And you know, Donald Trump could barely beat one of the weakest candidates in modern history. They'll say, Yeah, that's what they'll say. They'll just try and say, Oh, he got lucky
Speaker 3 6:33
the media and big tech and Hollywood and every union in America, yeah. You know, supports Democrats, of course, propped her up. Sure.
Speaker 2 6:39
I think she's doing very poorly. And yes, you can look at the polls, and you can't always trust polls. It's just sort of one of the facets that you take into account. But here's another one. If Carla Harris was doing very well, I don't think she would be running ads, especially ones that, by the way, use the Lord's name in Vem blatantly, yes, in Detroit, a real ad
Speaker 6 7:00
they said we were dead, Detroit, waving the white flag, the city filing for bankruptcy,
Speaker 7 7:06
that our best days were behind us, that living here is like living in hell. But you know what we said? We said that we rebuilt ourselves. We look out for each other, got our hands dirty and put in the hard work. And this guy, he don't know anything about that. We are a city of winners, of up and comers, of builders, the Motor City bigger and better here. We believe in freedom. We don't bow down to nobody, and we never win. And so what Donald Trump doesn't understand or care to learn is that when he said our whole country
Speaker 8 7:50
will end up being like Detroit or CC President, that he should
Speaker 7 7:53
be so goddamn lucky. I'm
Unknown Speaker 7:57
Kamala Harris, and I approve this message,
Speaker 2 8:00
yes, speaking as a geez, born Michigander and having lived there for quite a while, we should be so GD, lucky to have the fourth highest murder rate in the United States, a 65% population decline since 1950 and homes that are being given away for $1 that Still can't be sold. Someone budgeted, took your offer into account and refused it.
Speaker 4 8:26
I think that commercial was was narrated by a real estate agent. I would be lucky if Dallas had $4 homes.
Speaker 2 8:34
Let's actually, I'm sure pops Crowder can send his in. His house sold for was it $11,000 $7,000 a nice home in like a middle class neighborhood that's Detroit, and I don't care how many coffee shops and chili dog stands hipsters want to tell you have opened up and it's coming back. If you want to see the poster boy for Democrat policies, go to the city that was the wealthiest city in the world, certainly the country in the 1950s that has had a Democrat Mayor since 1960 to today, without exception, and you get Detroit. And of course, they have the national Pure Michigan ads for tourism. And every now and then they let, they let the mask slip and the facade comes off
Speaker 9 9:14
when it's time to get away away from the stresses of your work responsibilities, you can always find solace in the welcome arms of your friend, Detroit, where the last thing anybody finds is a job and the furthest thing from anyone's mind is responsibility, a city where its citizens greet you with a warm hello and toothless meth grins, a place where the sun Rise is as eager to spend its morning with you as the crackheads who line its streets, where the unemployment is so high that its proud citizens can enjoy enough time to slow down as they contribute to the country's worst murder rate, a place where seven out of 10 of those murders go completely unsolved. It, and if the gangs don't get you roaming, packs of wild dogs will. It's a city that's eating itself alive and been entirely run by Democrats and unions since 1961 where a Republican scapegoat is just as elusive as any end in sight, a crystal ball for the future of the country in a city that's as likely to change as its students are that graduate high school. It's why, even as the city declares bankruptcy, you can always count to be waiting for you with one hand out and the other ready to shoot you in this floor, a place where your unlikelihood of finding a job is eclipsed only by your chance of getting out alive a place that's pure Detroit,
Unknown Speaker 10:50
The Cider House Rule song doesn't seem appropriate.
Speaker 2 10:55
You princes of princes of Wales, England, Kings of New England.
Unknown Speaker 10:59
I can't remember the princess part,
Speaker 2 11:01
all right, doesn't matter. As an upper it's Columbus Day today. Isn't that fun? Indigenous peoples day hit me with something, Billy, yay.
Unknown Speaker 11:12
Not sound more that was
Unknown Speaker 11:16
Billy, oh, look at that. Oh, it's a holiday,
Speaker 2 11:18
and in the theme of deconstructing any type of national pride or identity, because America bad, according to Kamala Harris, Columbus Day, all of that, that patriotism, you know, the whole new world, it needs to change because we are racist or something.
Speaker 10 11:36
So I'm wondering, would you support efforts on a federal level to change Columbus Day to indigenous peoples day. And why does that matter so much?
Unknown Speaker 11:46
Sure, sure, yeah.
Speaker 11 11:49
And why it matters is to your very point we have to remember history and back this question, I think really, is connected to the last question about our moral and art and our Compass. Compass,
Speaker 12 12:07
our goal, a globe and protractorations. We have to remember our history. I was raised by middle class uncomfortable
Speaker 5 12:15
to your point about truth, though it may make us
Speaker 4 12:21
it's like every answer. She's just giving some words to prolong her answer exactly gave me some time to think about the I still have one.
Speaker 2 12:30
It's important because it's a question about Columbus, she said, and Columbus is a historical figure. He existed just as we exist now. We didn't exist back then, nor does Columbus today. And shut up. I
Unknown Speaker 12:54
am not Columbus. So let's go through some
Speaker 2 12:57
of these myths that are the premises. By the way, for Robin, you change Columbus Day to indigenous peoples day. I don't know if you know this spoiler. I'm not a fan of calling it indigenous peoples day. I don't even like calling it indigenous people so you know what? Let's debunk the most common myths here in five minutes or less. Tool man, start the clock. All right, here we go. Myth number one that Columbus committed mass genocide, right? You'll hear that everywhere. That's why we need to change it to indigenous peoples day. We'll make all of the references Here's the truth. Diseases killed natives. They were mostly killed by infectious diseases the settlers didn't even know they had brought with them. Okay, a big part of that was they came from animals, domesticated animals that had not been domesticated by the Native Americans. A big one of those would be horses. So this whole Native American Horse culture that you've seen them with bow and arrow on horseback. No, the only time they would have been using the horse, they would have been carrying a lever action Winchester, because that's about the time that they were finally able to ride them, as opposed to chasing them all off a cliff, rendering them almost extinct. That's what happened. The idea that we had taken them out at Columbus did specifically with genocide. Also, I don't know this, germ theory was not discovered until the 1860s that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense by a bit. Here's another myth as to why we need to change it to indigenous people today. Because Columbus was awful. He was barbaric. And clearly there is no argument the fact that Columbus was a rapist.
Speaker 13 14:17
Columbus had no problem with his men raping and killing them. There are horrific accounts of Columbus selling Native American women and young girls, along with brutal stories of his men killing and torturing native people. And even babies for fun.
Speaker 2 14:34
Okay, some of that I can't necessarily verify, even babies for fun, like, I don't know if that is smile on their face, yeah,
Speaker 4 14:39
they're like, they were upset about it. They were kind of like, Oh, I gotta go back to work today. Killing these natives. Yeah, oh, my God. Oh, a
Speaker 2 14:46
baby. But I said, what if? Yeah, exactly, if you, if you do what you enjoy, you never work a day in your life. Yes. So here's the truth. I'm sure people did bad things across the board back then, but these specific claims that you see of rape and the brutality. Me it come from a political enemy, right? Fernando de Bobadilla. You may not know his you may not know Fernando's name,
Unknown Speaker 15:08
Italian, and
Speaker 2 15:09
a lot of people just take it at face value. I don't know if you know this. Now, there probably were some examples of women and children being killed, but what happened is they probably saw the Native Americans treating each other so poorly, raping, pillaging, scalping, cannibalizing, and then they turn into animals themselves, and you only look at one side of the equation. Here's another truth that you may not know. Columbus very flawed. I'm not saying that he's Jesus Christ, but he did order his own men to stay and stay away, specifically from Native American women. Contrast that with many native tribes who specifically took women as basically rape poles as part of the spoils of war. This is from Columbus' journal. He said, I have given them in orders not to take anything from them against their will, so they have paid them for everything. I cannot believe that any man has ever met a people so good hearted and generous, so gentle that they did their utmost to give us everything they had. Columbus also, by the way, made his men observe the three monastic vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, which I don't know if they all did. Let's be honest. Yeah, let's be honest. Like, he's like, Hey, do that. And they're like, oh, yeah, okay, sure, we'll be chased. But the point is, you can't just look at one side of the equation and think that it was a whole peaceful Native American culture and these animals just came in with the rape and diseases engaged in biological warfare before germ theory even became a thing. Here's a third myth, kind of piggybacking off that, that the Native Americans were peaceful until Columbus showed up. Okay, you'll hear this. This is why we need to turn it into indigenous peoples day. Truth, war was all over this country between tribes, you will still find territory that is in dispute depending on the tribe who claims they were the last tribe to be there, which means there was a tribe before them to this day. For proof, just look at the Black Hills. That's a perfect example. Right now, they all hold hands, saying, We are the world. But the fact is, their forefathers killed each other's forefathers in record numbers. And crazy enough, there are more Kiowa than ever in recorded history today on Earth? Yeah, if that's a genocide, you screwed up. You didn't end the Holocaust with 6 million more Jews than when you started. So I'm not very good at the genociding. Is my point. Even if there were acts of cruelty, Columbus arrived, there were two tribes who were dominant. There were the Caribs. There were the air walks. Okay, Caribs were vicious cannibals. The air walks were passive friendly. I don't know if you know this. Typically, if you have a passive friendly tribe, they live in constant fear of the vicious cannibals
Unknown Speaker 17:30
because of the eating and so,
Unknown Speaker 17:36
what a time for that one.
Unknown Speaker 17:39
And so the arrow walks were terrified of the Caribs.
Speaker 2 17:44
Here's another truth, the Indians, by the way, when you talk about them respecting the earth and Mother Nature, they hunted multiple species into extinction, almost the Buffalo. And they did not, by the way, use each part of the animal as you have been told. They would literally hunt. They would scare an entire herd of buffalo off a cliff, and they didn't have refrigeration. They could keep one to give you some more proof here again, doesn't mean that Columbus was perfect. Doesn't mean that settlers were perfect, but this idea that white bad, new settlers, bad Native Americans all good, it couldn't be further from the truth. It's the same reason that you would not want to live on any Native American reservation today. Bless you. Want to live in every episode of cops, if you go to the Spanish conquistadors. I've talked about this a few times, and I know you're going to say this. There's no way this is true. I didn't believe it when I first started reading up on this back as a teenager. You think of the conquistadors, right? You think of what happened with the Aztecs, right? The Mayans, the Incas, depending where you go, how many conquistadors Do you think came here? Cortes? You would think, right, there were 10s of 1000s of Indians. There are hundreds of 1000s. There were 800 conquistadors, 800 who took over. Do you realize that that doesn't happen unless there are so many natives here who have been enslaved, raped and tortured, that they will take their chances with anyone else, including people with red beards and funny hats. That's what they did.
Speaker 4 19:12
Yeah, even though they were laughing the whole time at those ads, yes, they were, they were willing to fight
Speaker 2 19:16
Yes. So oh my gosh, I still say Columbus Day. You can comment below. I don't know how you celebrate it, but there's one more reason that those in the left may hate Columbus. This is what I think is the real reason. Yeah, he was a Jew. He was Jewish, at least partially Jewish, and looking back, it's kind of surprising. How did we miss that? You would think a why is the head? It's been the white washing of Columbus. You're just as much to blame
Unknown Speaker 19:49
six and a half minutes.
Unknown Speaker 19:51
We win it over time. It's okay,
Unknown Speaker 19:57
Columbus. It's like the character from being. Beetlejuice,
Unknown Speaker 20:06
I would be terrified of this guy too.
Unknown Speaker 20:18
Switch to video for people was
Unknown Speaker 20:19
that one of the Brooks Brothers,
Speaker 2 20:21
Kanye West, like I knew it, Josh, is turning
Unknown Speaker 20:29
red. Excuse me. Sorry guys.
Unknown Speaker 20:33
This is a this is a holiday, small headed holiday.
Speaker 2 20:42
How do you celebrate Columbus Day? Fire, Water and boom, boom. Six. So do
Unknown Speaker 20:48
the natives. It's only 8am
Unknown Speaker 20:51
our laws, not theirs. They
Speaker 2 20:52
make me live this way. All right, sure, whatever. Yeah, white guy came in and forced you to buy a Tesla. All right. Let's
Speaker 14 21:01
so tired. It's a Kia Spark, whatever. It's a soul. It's a rivian.
Unknown Speaker 21:10
They play it as you drive off the showroom floor.
Speaker 2 21:14
So really quick, we need to give you a bit of a recap here. I don't exactly know what to make of this, other than the media is very quick to jump on a story, regardless of the facts or information. Sunday, the California Police stopped well what initially appeared to have been a third assassination attempt on Donald Trump, and the reason that people believe that is because you had members of law enforcement and the media say that that is what happened.
Speaker 15 21:40
The way it worked yesterday, is only people that were allowed with the inside the perimeter, the outside perimeter in a vehicle, was if you lived there, or if you had documentation that said you were going to this rally in the form of Reno 911 with VIP credentials or press credentials. We have his name as Vem Vem Miller, M, I, L, L, E R. During that investigation, the deputy eventually found multiple passports with multiple names, multiple drivers license with different names, the vehicle was unregistered, and the license plate was what we in law enforcement would recognize as one that is homemade and indicative of a group of individuals that claim to be sovereign citizens during the investigation, obviously, those identification documents were found in addition to a loaded handgun and a shotgun. Okay,
Speaker 2 22:46
so, by the way, I don't know if you know this. Couldn't care less, there's a loaded handgun or shotgun. They always just throw that into like a loaded gun, okay, what are you gonna throw it at? A purpose? Of course, you should have a loaded but they had passports, ID, unrestricted, unregistered vehicle. You can check all the references, okay, that appears to be true. The guy's name is Vem Miller, but according to the Riverside County Sheriff, this guy, this was put out, he said we probably stopped another assassination attempt. So that's where this all started. Was like, Oh my gosh, there was an assassination attempt. Because that cop said we stopped an assassination attempt. What doesn't make sense is that the would be assassin was let out on a $5,000 bail. That's pretty low, I
Unknown Speaker 23:27
feel like. So again,
Speaker 2 23:28
this started that doesn't Yeah, come unraveled as a condition of his bail. Also, this is kind of odd. He's only allowed to wear one outfit in public. Let's see if we can find him here. Yep. Okay. Well, looking back, you should have, oh, let's go to the next slide. We have another just, well, that's not even trying to find them place. And then the final one, that's a bad idea. I know he's one. Someone should have caught him. So here's some, here's some kind of weird details. And we don't have all the information here, so you can send it in or comment below. It doesn't seem like this guy is a would be assassin. Now we actually found a clip on rumble this morning, or an hour and 15 minute video from Vem Miller himself. He vehemently denies that he had any intent to kill Trump. Seems like he's actually been a pretty, pretty consistent pro Trump advocate. He told the Southern California News Group, these accusations are complete bullshit. I'm an artist. I'm the last person that would cause any violence or any harm to anybody. He said that he did have a special entry pass. He never fired the guns that he had. And then he actually released a video explaining quite a bit of it. But here he is. Here's what we know. They caught him $5,000 bail, all right, then he released a video, and he provided some corroborating evidence that he is a self declared Trump supporter and actually a conservative.
Speaker 16 24:50
I'm a Trump caucus captain. I've collected votes for Donald Trump, and I'm also a Trump team leader. I would say, in the last four years, I've been to the count. Number of Trump rallies and Trump events I have been, and this is again, verifiable, pretty much this far away from the former president, to a point that I could touch him. I've talked to Don Jr. I've talked to Eric Trump. I know a lot of people within the Trump family and the extended family, and I have been integrally involved. And if I was to guesstimate, and this is again verifiable, I'm sure the Trump campaign has records of all the guest passes they've issued me, the special passes they've issued me. I mean, we're talking about potentially, I don't know 2020, something more. I don't even, I don't even remember.
Speaker 2 25:41
Okay, and here's a video from Vem Miller at the RNC. Again. It just this is one of those issues where the media pulled the trigger too early, and we'll get to the sheriff in a minute. He's it seems like he may be a guy looking looking to make some headlines, but here is Vem Miller at the RNC.
Speaker 16 25:56
So one thing I don't get is that everything at this convention, at the Republican National Convention, is cashless. This whole place is cashless. So I don't know, see that's a Republican National Convention behind me.
Unknown Speaker 26:14
Wonderful people, wonderful time.
Speaker 3 26:15
Just not happy that it's all cashless because now they can track you. Man, yeah,
Speaker 2 26:21
so does your some people may think that he's maybe a little bit nutty, sovereign citizens. It's a group that's, it's, I wouldn't say it's necessarily a violent militia group. There are people who believe that they're basically some certain laws don't apply because they're unconstitutional. You know, he also this man, Vem Miller. He's the founder of an anti mainstream media outlet. It's called America happens. He found it in 2008 we don't necessarily need to go to the clip. There have been documentaries that he's created on the deep state, on on the problem with the swamp Democrats. It seems like he's been pretty consistently pro Trump. It seems like this is a misunderstanding. But where does that misunderstanding take place? I think there's kind of one of two things that could be happening here. The sheriff wants to get get his name out there, and I'll get to that in a second, where he seems to be one of these guys who jumps the gun quite a bit and inserts himself into any political issue. And it seems like maybe the media would like to use this to try and say, Look, this is the radicalizing of Trump supporters, where we can't even identify the difference between his trump supporters and his own supporters and crazy people, I don't know, but the problem is, there's a lot of misinformation out there on social right now, on x, it's really hard to parse through what's true. So we'll make all these references available. This is interesting to me. The same sheriff in 2020 Chad Bianco. He made a huge scene, and of course, cameras were rolling when he was kneeling with Black Lives Matter.
Speaker 4 27:57
Vote for me this November. You captain,
Unknown Speaker 28:03
lick those boots.
Unknown Speaker 28:13
So I don't like him.
Speaker 3 28:16
This is, this is stupid, right? Nothing, nothing really happened. They pull the guy over their guns in his car. The Secret Service says that this wasn't likely an assassination attempt. They're not even worried that the President's life was in any danger. And that used to mean something I know now that maybe doesn't mean as much as we thought it did in the past. But then the FBI is not even investigating it as an attempted assassination or anything involving that he got out on $5,000 bill, and he's a right wing, conservative guy that maybe goes a little too far right, sometimes potentially. This isn't an assassination attempt. It seems like a sea of assassination attempts. I was six buildings away, kind of thing.
Speaker 2 28:49
It seems like this all stems from the sheriff saying, like, yeah, we'd probably stop another assassination attempt. That's it. It pretty much comes from one guy who seems like he was really quick to want to be the hero who helped stop the assassination attempt. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 28:59
you're probably not gonna find a guy with a bigger penis in mind. That's right. So my Lord, just stick with me, honey.
Unknown Speaker 29:04
That's why it hurts when I kneel, because I kneel on it.
Unknown Speaker 29:08
That's what it sounds like. That's the energy, you know. Anyway,
Speaker 2 29:10
I don't know if there's that much more to touch on with that. It's just it's everywhere right now. And so many people have conspiracy theories. And I don't even know that this warrants any kind of it's just a guy who probably had some weird stuff in his car. Yeah,
Speaker 3 29:22
he didn't like to be tracked, so maybe he has multiple IDs because he doesn't want the government to track him, right? That
Speaker 4 29:27
one's a little weird man, the passports and licenses, that one's like, I am. Why? Because it
Unknown Speaker 29:33
was difficult for me to
Speaker 4 29:35
get mine. Well, it wasn't. It wasn't, but, you know, it should be. You
Unknown Speaker 29:40
think that guy's getting through customs with a fake passport? Come on,
Unknown Speaker 29:43
they're flagging him immediately. He's
Unknown Speaker 29:45
not going anywhere, yeah? All right.
Unknown Speaker 29:48
He's certainly not paying cash everywhere, speaking
Speaker 2 29:50
of not going anywhere, that's pretty much anyone who decides to sit down with JD Vance, yeah,
Speaker 3 29:56
keep making this mistake. Yeah,
Speaker 2 29:59
I'm gonna. Get him. When I see JD Vance go up against someone who's clearly biased the left, you know, in these interviews, it reminds me of that scene in Life Aquatic with Steve zizu, where Jeff Goldblum, I think it's Jeff Goldblum, yeah, disciplines the other guy's dog, yes, with a rolled up newspaper. That's basically what JD Vance is doing with these interviewers. Remember they were saying that walls had a higher favorability than JD Vance. Remember they were saying, Oh, this, this VP debate could be really important. And then they said, that doesn't really matter at all. I do think it had an impact. I do think that the VP debate had an impact, and that's a big reason that Donald Trump is gaining momentum. I think that Kamala Harris is very unlikable, and I think JD walls was really brought in just because they thought he was folksy and likable. Tim Walsh, what did I say? JD, walls, Oh, son of a bitch. Admonish me. Yeah, that's bad. I really think that. I think that Tim Walz was brought in to try and counterbalance the intense dislikability of Kamala Harris. He doesn't really have many accomplishments, so that's why they brought him in. JD, Vance was brought in because obviously, you know, hillbilly LG was very popular, but I think he was brought in to shore up the base with Donald Trump. Yeah, and because he is a surgeon with interviews, he is able to handle interviews from from opposing viewpoints, and that shouldn't really happen in what we're supposed to see is unbiased media. Have you seen, by the way, Carl Harris, the gas flood number thing, and Donald Trump won't do a second debate. He won't sit down with 60 minutes. Why is he hiding and writing, you know, writing out the clock. I'm like, oh, okay, we see exactly. He asked for three debates.
Speaker 3 31:27
And by the way, the next thing they're pivoting to is release your medical records. He's like, I've released Doctor stuff, and I'm doing two hours stand up rallies. What? What
Unknown Speaker 31:34
do you want from Exactly? Well,
Unknown Speaker 31:36
let's see Biden's medical record. What
Unknown Speaker 31:37
are you talking about? Yeah. Now finally, she's
Speaker 3 31:39
concerned about the fit. Finally, the fit. Finally, the person being a president united states, exactly
Unknown Speaker 31:43
you trim that turkey neck, lady.
Speaker 2 31:45
What I see is I see desperation, yes, and I see desperation from walls. Maybe you guys could bring up. There was a walls interview this weekend, actually, where he he really was flailing quite a bit as a good contrast to JD Vance. And I ask you, look setting this up. Have you been impressed with this guy? And do you understand that we are really not that far away from if something were to happen, God forbid, with President Trump, a JD Vance presidency. How would you feel about that? A lot of people haven't really discussed that at this point. So were you? Were you good with it?
Unknown Speaker 32:15
I just gave you a thumbs up. All
Speaker 2 32:16
right. So before we get to JD Vance, let's set this up, because they have been pulling no punches. The Trump campaign released a scathing new attack ad highlighting the southern border crisis.
Speaker 17 32:27
Open borders deadly consequences. Border crisis
Speaker 9 32:31
record high. Crossings are putting a strain on cities across America. It is a full blown invasion armed
Speaker 13 32:38
Venezuelan gang members storming and apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado. When people
Speaker 18 32:43
talk about migrant crime, this is what they're talking about. Biden and Harris have created a program to bring them in under humanitarian parole. I
Speaker 5 32:50
am in favor of saying that we're not going to treat people who are undocumented across the borders criminals. More
Speaker 19 32:55
than 13,000 illegal immigrants convicted of murder have been released into the United States. Abolish ice, yeah, we
Unknown Speaker 33:03
need to probably think about starting from scratch. Emmanuel
Speaker 20 33:05
Hernandez. Hernandez was booked by Colleyville police just two days earlier and released the day before the robbery.
Unknown Speaker 33:17
That's pretty tough.
Unknown Speaker 33:18
He's winning on that issue by quite a bit. That's
Speaker 2 33:20
a bit like the Scrooged Christmas carol promo, yeah. Like show me Scrooged, they're already voting, Mr. Trump. They're already voting for you, Mr. Trump, that's not enough. They have to be so scared to miss it. So a lot of the interviews centered around immigration, around illegal immigration, they tried to press JD Vance. They tried to bring up some, some some facts that aren't facts. So let's go through these here. One was with, I believe, the New York Times, and one was with ABC. Let's go New York Times first, Lulu Garcia Navarro, not to be confused with Navarro, former Republican on a view, tried to press Vance on. And this is weird. I don't know why they think this is a winning argument when they're trying to obviously help Kamala Harris saying that, well, you actually need illegal immigrants, because we need them to do good paying American jobs.
Speaker 21 34:13
The reason that there is a housing crisis is that not enough houses have been built, and
Speaker 22 34:18
that we have 25 million people who shouldn't be here. Well, I mean this, I think it's both. I
Speaker 21 34:23
know you do. I don't think that many people who look into this agree with you, but about a third of the construction workforce in this country, we're gonna panic of those, a large proportion are undocumented. So how do you propose to build all the housing necessary that we need in this country, by removing all the people who are working in construction?
Speaker 22 34:42
Well, I think it's a fair question, because we know that back in the 1960s when we had very low levels of illegal immigration, Americans didn't buy houses, didn't build houses, but of course they did. I'm being sarcastic with the assumption that because I. A large number of Home Builders now are using undocumented labor that that's the only way to build homes. I think again, the country
Speaker 21 35:06
is much bigger. Fundamental need is much bigger. So
Speaker 2 35:11
let me give you the truth here. Okay, let's go to then and now. In 1969 undocumented migrants, they made up about 0.3% of the population. We had a housing surplus. Wow. Okay, that was a big deal back then. Now we actually have had record inflation. Homes are about 2.5 times more expensive than they were in the 1960s and undocumented, undocumented, let's just say illegal aliens make up 5% of the population.
Speaker 3 35:39
It's a huge difference, point 3% versus 5% and now
Speaker 2 35:43
we have a housing shortage of 4.5 million units. So the point that he's making people don't agree, if they look into it, well, hold on a second. We had fewer illegal aliens back then, and we had homes that were more affordable and more homes that were built. So we had a surplus. Now we have a shortage, and we have a about 20 times the rate of illegal aliens, and people can't afford them,
Speaker 23 36:04
and the houses in the 60s are still standing. Yes, some of them that argument
Speaker 4 36:10
that you say that 25 million people are here, that shouldn't be here, and that's not a contributor, right? Well, it's not. So you take 25 million people and you get rid of them, there won't be more homes, right? Is that what she's saying? Yes, yeah.
Speaker 3 36:24
I was about to say. She's like, makes you build all the homes we need. I'm like, well, guess what, when you get rid of 25 million people that don't need to be here, freeze up some housing. Yes, it does.
Speaker 4 36:32
It makes me feel like I'm missing something. Yes, yeah, no, you're not. It was a guess supply and demand. Yeah, it seems like it
Unknown Speaker 36:39
would be very seems like
Speaker 3 36:40
1/3 of the people are immigrants that work in construction, and a large portion, give me a number, yeah, documented workers that are specifically, to you, specifically building houses. But don't you establish that? You don't. You don't
Speaker 4 36:51
think black people could do this, or Asian people, or white people could do this job. We've already established that. Ms Navarro, you think only Hispanic people can do construction? Yeah? How many of them are illegal? Well, and here's, here's
Speaker 2 37:00
another point. I've watched this Overton Window shift, right? Overton Window shift right where they used to say these people are only doing jobs that Americans don't want to do. They're cleaning, remember Osborne, the daughter? They're cleaning your toilets. They're picking lettuce. And now it's like, oh yes, that's right. You mean one of the most common occupations since the beginning of time, and certainly in the United States of America, construction, contracting work. No native born citizens want to do that. We've now moved well beyond manual labor, minimum wage jobs, jobs, and we're talking about highly skilled jobs, carpentry, electricians, plumbing, yeah, this doesn't make sense anymore. They used to make the argument they're only taking the jobs Americans won't do. She now just made the argument they're needed to do the kinds of jobs that Americans actually really want to do and are good paying jobs, but we need them so that we can pay them less
Speaker 4 37:47
the same jobs that she would have be unionized in every state, so that no illegals could have. That's that's where it gets confusing. You start advocating for two different things.
Speaker 2 37:56
I don't think there's a single white guy in this office who hasn't worked construction at some point or another. Yeah,
Speaker 4 38:01
I was gonna say I've worked construction. It was union work. So it's a little different than, you know, regular home construction in Texas or Arizona, whatever. But union work in Seattle to do, there was no illegals on the job, not a single one you couldn't even get in the job site. And
Speaker 2 38:12
mine wasn't union work. But I did some with the Johnny Boy in the summer, and I did some some here too as well. And it was good paying. Was great. Was summer work. And the guys I worked with were all older, white gentlemen who, by the way, made a good living. So have you guys noticed that shift in the Amish community, though? So let's be honest, that's true. Everything was we, by the way, we build one hell of a rotary phone. I don't know why we're allowed rotary phones and not smartphones, but we are allowed rotary Oh, they're
Speaker 4 38:35
made out of wood. Yes, yeah, watch that rock. Though. You might lose a but
Unknown Speaker 38:39
if it's your neighbor. If it's your neighbor, you can hear him clear as
Speaker 2 38:43
a bell. Here's the next exchange. Here is Navarro, by the way, of course, an unbiased journalist, again, talking about immigration unemployment and trying to push back on JD Vance. He just, he gives them no wiggle room.
Speaker 22 38:56
You absolutely could re engage folks into the American labor market. This is, I think, to work in
Unknown Speaker 39:03
construction. Of course, you could
Speaker 2 39:06
pause. You could you could get what you could get Americans to work construction. Tell me you're out of touch with America, without telling me you're out of touch with America, really, you wait, huh? You mean to tell me that there are middle class, working Americans who are willing to work construction and make a decent living. Yeah, not everyone goes to Princeton. Sweetheart.
Speaker 24 39:29
So funny. She expects the only way people get into construction is standing outside of Home Depots.
Unknown Speaker 39:34
Yes, it's different. That's day laborers. That
Speaker 4 39:36
lady lives in a multi million dollar home and thinks that it's just really cheap and easy to do it, to
Speaker 2 39:41
build it. Yeah, I know. I remember that you said they're not taking any jobs that you don't want. She can't believe that plenty of Americans would like to work good, paying construction jobs. Okay, let's continue with the
Unknown Speaker 39:53
clip. There's 4.1% most
Unknown Speaker 39:54
people who limit rate Lulu this. This is important, but most
Speaker 21 39:57
people who don't work can't work in the regular economy. They're in the military, they're parents, they're sick, they're old, military, what they might not want to work in construction.
Speaker 22 40:04
The unemployment rate is not does not count labor force participation dropouts. And again, this is one of the really deranged things that I think illegal immigration does to our society, is it gets us in a mindset of saying we can only build houses with illegal immigrants, and we have 7 million just men, not even women, just men who have completely dropped out of the labor force, people say, well, Americans won't do those jobs. Americans won't do those jobs for below the table wages. They won't do those jobs for non living wages. I want them to go searching in their own country for their own citizens, sometimes people who may be struggling with addiction or trauma get them re engaged in American society. We cannot have an entire American business community that is giving up on American workers and then importing millions of illegal laborers. That is what we have thanks to Kamala Harris's border policies. I think it's one of the biggest drivers of inequality. So
Speaker 2 41:00
to be clear, you think Americans were construction I'm sure. Let me have a feedback filled in with that. Here's the truth. Okay, we've fact checked all of this. I have, I really have no suggestions for JD Vance, yeah. Let's look at the male labor force participation rates. 1969 was 80% meaning 80% of able bodied males were participating in the workforce today. That's 68.1% 68.1% so again, if what they were saying, which we expect to see, maybe the opposite trend, or at least remain stable. We're not that's a
Speaker 4 41:34
question labor force participation trends. What is that a specific type of job, or is that just it
Speaker 2 41:38
means, it means people who are actually in involved in the workforce. So in other words, if you are unemployed for a certain amount of time, and then you say, You know what, I'm just not looking for a job anymore, you give up on life. They don't count you as unemployed. Yeah? So this this, so if you have a 3% unemployment rate, let's say with an 80% labor force participation rate, that's very different than a 3% unemployment rate when you only have a 68% Yeah, labor force. But in other words, there are far more people out of a job. They're just not counted as unemployed. Yeah, was
Speaker 4 42:05
that missing something too? When she said, military? Yeah, there are military personnel. Not are they counted as unemployed? They shouldn't
Unknown Speaker 42:12
be well,
Speaker 2 42:15
they're not okay. Yeah, they're not. I don't know what you'd say, Yeah, I don't know it's she makes no sense. She does make no sense. And, of course, this, by the way, follows the announcement. Some people think there might have been, you know, a little bit of promo going on, advances, yeah, all American woman construction company, with the results you see for yourself, he's trying to plug this, yeah, it's an HGTV
Unknown Speaker 42:36
show up there. Well, here's
Unknown Speaker 42:37
she start with a shirt. Here's another truth.
Speaker 2 42:42
The reason why is it's definitely cheaper to hire higher illegal immigrants than to pay Americans. So 2.1 million construction workers right now that we know of are paid under the table. You can go back to a video that I taped, I believe in 2017 2018 where I did the Home Depot thing. Yeah, and I stole the jobs of illegal aliens because they were, people would say they're working for pennies. They were all working back then for $30 an hour. They were doing a product we would guy would drive up, say, six, six hours, 200 bucks. And I'd say, You know what we'll do? I said, Hey, you know I'll do it for 20 an hour. I'll do it for 15 an hour. This idea that there these people, meaning illegal aliens, are being abused, exploited, and working jobs that Americans don't want to do, is it's just not true. And so yes, it needs to be a multi pronged approach. We need to go after not only the employers who employ these people illegally as a way to cut corners, but we also need to change our policy. This is really simple. This election. When people say, Well, what is it that you would do if I'm Donald Trump, if I'm JD Vance, say, Okay, going to reduce the corporate tax rates. The people can employ more Americans. We're going to shut down the border, make sure that we stop these illegal crossings. We're going to deport some people, and we're going to open up our own energy, all of our own resource reserves, so we can be a net energy exporter like we were under the Trump administration. Those three policies, we start those day one. That makes a huge difference. Just go with that. Let's go with another exchange here between ABCs. Martha Raddatz was trying to fact check this one's the best Vance on the Venezuelan gangs. You've seen those, right, the roving migrant gangs.
Speaker 22 44:13
Just watch the clip. People are terrified by what has happened with some of these Venezuelan gangs. I'm
Speaker 8 44:18
going to stop you. Exactly what happened? I'm going to stop you. The incidents were limited to a handful of apartment complex, apartment complexes, and the mayor said our dedicated police officers have acted on those concerns, a handful of problems.
Speaker 22 44:37
Only, Martha, do you hear yourself only a handful of apartment complexes in America were taken over by Venezuelan gangs and Donald Trump is the problem, and not Kamala Harris's open border, you seem to be more focused with nitpicking everything that Donald Trump has said, rather than acknowledging that apartment complexes in the United States of America are being taken over. By violent games, executive orders that undid Donald Trump, successful border policies. We knew this stuff would happen, and now we have the consequences, and we're living with it. We can do so much better, but frankly, we're not going to do better, Martha, unless Donald Trump calls this stuff out. I'm glad that he did.
Speaker 3 45:20
That was so wonderful to just drink in. She was waiting for her moment. She knew that this was going to come up and it was going to be a line they said, so I'm going to stop you. I'm going to stop you right there. Goes to her notes and gets obliterated because, yes, everybody's like, you think a handful is okay? Well, he just showed right there that
Speaker 4 45:34
she does think it's okay. She thinks that people who live in an apartment complex.
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