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Is mRNA-Corona Vaccination Triggering Cancer/Turbo-Cancer? Interview with Dr. med. Ute Krüger
Hello dear viewers. I’d like to welcome you to another interview with us here at Kla.TV. Today we have a intriguing guest with us – a specialist, who brings us highly significant, facts, which once again are being concealed by mainstream media. And that is why we are delighted that you are here, Dr. Ute Krüger.
[Dr. Krüger:]
Hello, thank you very much for the invitation.
It’s a pleasure. You were already with us in September and we did a great interview on the topic “mRNA Corona Vaccination – Cause for Illness and Death?” And you are a specialist in pathology and have spent many years researching breast cancer. Today we are talking about the topic: “Do mRNA corona vaccinations trigger cancer and turbo cancer?” But first of all, for those viewers who don’t know you yet: Please tell us a bit about where you come from and what you have been doing.
[Dr. Krüger:]
I passed the medical specialist examination in Berlin and afterwards I emigrated rather quickly to Sweden. where I worked as senior physician in two different hospitals in Clinical Pathology. During this time I was a breast cancer specialist and was also the medical director of a hospital for four years. And in the last eight years of my clinical work – I spent those eight years simultaneously researching breast cancer at the University of Lund. And for those viewers who don’t know what a pathologist does: pathology is the study of diseases, and nowadays a pathologist is more or less concerned merely with diagnosing diseases, and post-mortem examinations have completely faded into the background. This means that the pathologist sits at the microscope, or more recently also at the screen – as the images are digitalized and makes diagnoses that then form the basis for subsequent treatment.
Yes, okay. Now, Dr. Krüger, the corona period is behind us more or less, during which, the new mRNA technology emerged. This new technology was injected into people en masse, and we were always told by the media, politicians and the pharmaceutical industry that it was safe, effective and had no side effects. What are the discoveries you made in the course of your work as a pathologist?
[Dr. Krüger:]
Here I would point out again: I worked as a breast cancer specialist for 18 years, both in research for eight years and in clinical work, so I basically had a good general overview of the distrlbution and development of cancer amongst my patients. So how old the patients were, the material I was given to examine, how large the tumors were, how quickly they grew, i.e. how aggressively they grew. And in the fall of 2021, I had the feeling that I was receiving more material from younger patients, i.e. 30 to 50 years old, that the tumors were much larger. So in the past, a tumor with a size of four centimeters was very rare. Now the tumors were four to 16 centimeters. The largest tumor I’ve seen was 16 centimetres in size. You have to look at that on the ruler, it’s huge. And the tumors simply grew more aggressively and there were more frequent recurrences, i.e. relapses. Patients may have been tumor-free for 20 years and then, a few months after these injections against corona, the tumor suddenly came back. And then with such aggressiveness that the patients often died as a result. And then I noticed that it occured more freuently that there are several tumors in one breast. i.e. multifocal tumors. and also that tumors occur in both breasts at the same time.
This foreign word means that there are several tumors in one place.
[Dr. Krüger:]
Exactly, this multifocality, i.e. that there are several tumors in one breast. I brought some images with me of this, which show this – this multifocality. This is materiel from a 55-year-old female patient who has a 130 millimeter ductal carcinoma. In other words, a tumor in the breast that is growing in the ducts. So 13 centimeters alone is extremely large. And in this area she had 20 different, at least 20 different invasive foci. In other words, spots, where the tumor had already grown out of the ducts, into the tissue. And here in the picture you can see the blue area, which is the area with the tumor in the ducts. And these red areas show these invasive foci, where the tumor is already growing into the tissue. So here in this section alone there are seven invasive foci.
The picture here is a cross section?
[Dr. Krüger:]
Exactly, this is how the pathologist sees the material under the microscope. This is a cross section of the breast. And this is how the diagnosis is finally made in pathology. And there was also a pronounced growth in the lymph vessel far outside of the tumor. And she already had four lymph node metastases. So the lymph nodes were already affected, which is also relatively rare. But that is because the tumor has grown so aggressively. So, then I brought another picture on the subject of recurrence. This is an 80-year-old patient who had undergone breast-conserving therapy seven years previously. This means that the area of the tumor was cut out of the breast and the rest of the breast was still there. And three months after this so-called vaccination against corona, she found a tumor in this operated breast.
And it grew extremely quickly. And in the surgical preparation it was already 55 millimeters in size. And she also had several skin metastases [metastasis = an offshoot of cancer] in her breast at the same time. This is also something that is extremely rare, that the patient comes with a relapse and already has skin metastases at the same time. Those normally come much later. And here you can see the current surgical preparation. The green area is the scar from the operation seven years ago. And then this red area right next to it, that’s the tumor that’s growing there.
It is only very small here, but you can see this direct connection to the scar. That’s why I chose this section. Next I also brought a cross-section to illustrate the issue of tumor heterogeneity. This means that the tumor can be found with different growth patterns. This is from a 70-year-old woman who had had lobular breast cancer for several years, meaning a breast cancer that grows relatively slowly. And so she had numerous metastases in the bladder, in the intestinal mucosa, in the bones, in the liver. And she had already lived with these metastases for three years.
In other words, her body was in a state of relative equilibrium. But, shortly after this so-called vaccination, the tumor growth in the liver explodes and the patient dies within a month. And the clinician who sent me this liver cylinder; a cylindric sample punctured out of the liver, wrote on the submission form that he noticed that the tumor growth had exploded in the liver, but that nothing was visible at the other metastatic sites.
[Dr. Krüger:]
And here you can see normal liver tissue on the right side and this lobular tumor in the middle. You can’t actually see very much of the tumor. What you see are such small dark dots. And on the far left, this very dark area, this is the newly added tumor, with this dark core and with the rapidly growing tumor.
[Dr. Krüger:]
Ultimately, I saw the correlation that the tumors appeared on average three months after these so-called vaccinations.
Okay, yes. So that's what you observed over the years. You’re specialized in that field. The term that comes up again and again here, is turbo cancer. Is it true that this term has actually arisen in the context of this discovery? And how can we imagine this? What does the term mean? And how do you distinguish it from normal cancer?
[Dr. Krüger:]
Well, as I said, in autumn 2021 I noticed that something had changed here. And then I more or less created this term because I thought it was appropriate. It is not a scientific term. It simply indicates an extremely rapid tumor growth. And it can occur in all organs. So it’s not just in the breast, it’s everywhere. What you can see under the microscope is that the tumor cells are larger. I can show you another picture here. Here, for example, I have a tumor that is well differentiated. So this is a slow-growing tumor that you can compare to the first. Here you can see these small glands, which are darker in color. And then there is a relatively large amount of tumor stroma in the background [stroma = connective tissue of the tumor], which is pink . This is what a well-differentiated tumor in the breast looks like. Here we have a tumor, where you can see more tumor cells lying close together that are a bit larger. And you can actually see relatively little stroma. And if you look at the special staining, Ki67, that is an immunohistochemical staining that can show how many tumor cells are in the process of dividing. So, here you can see this well-differentiated tumor, it’s about 10% of the tumor cells that are in the process of dividing.
That’s normal growth.
[Dr. Krüger:]
Exactly: it shows how fast the tumor grows. And if only 10% of the tumor cells are dividing, then it grows relatively slowly.
It was actually like that before the corona period.
[Dr. Krüger:]
Yes, there were various – also poorly differentiated tumors. But here I just want to show the difference between a well-differentiated tumor and this so-called turbo cancer. And here you can see that three quarters of the tumor cells are dividing. So that’s what I saw under the microscope. There were also other tumors with really large tumor cells. Here the tumor cells are still relatively small. However, there were gigantic tumor cells, that also fits in with this turbo cancer.
Yes, it's concerning news, and frightening images, that things are happening like that now. I have now also recently read that the first mRNA vaccination against lung cancer was injected into humans in August this year, i.e. the alleged vaccination. And also, just imagine this – they want to bring even more onto the market, even more so-called mRNA vaccines against HIV, against herpes, against influenza, against cancer, all kinds of cancers. And this new technology is really being praised. They say it’s something really great. And it is praised in the mainstream media.
Huge sums of money are going into it. Actually one must say – if you look at it now, including what you as an expert have said and observed – people are getting sicker and sicker because of medicine. And so I must say: there is something fundamentally wrong in this medicine and in this pharmaceutical industry. And if more mRNA vaccines are coming onto the market now, what do you think will happen? Do you also expect that there will then be even more cases of turbo cancer?
[Dr. Krüger:]
Well, I have to say that this mRNA technique has not been sufficiently tested. Vaccines normally take seven to eight years to get onto the market after testing. And this mRNA technology has been on the market for less than a year. So they have been completely insufficiently tested. And it cannot be ruled out that turbo cancer will also occur after these so-called vaccinations.
Yes. Okay. And what exactly happens there? Is it possible to predict? Or do you know that? Why does this turbo cancer exist? What exactly happens in the body?
[Dr. Krüger:]
There are many causes for the development of cancer. And I’m not an expert. I am not an immunologist. But I know an immunologist, oncologist and radiologist – a colleague from Canada, Dr. William Makis. And he explained it really well. But these are all theories. We don’t actually know to one hundred percent how it works. But, what is now on the table are the results after these so-called vaccinations. And in October 2023, a study from the UK became known in which 15- to 44-year-olds, i.e. very young patients’ mortality was examined – they had died of cancer. And this study shows that there has been an increase in deaths of between 12 and 120%. These are incredible figures. May I tell you a few figures: the increase in breast cancer was 28%. So that was for the year 2022. And for colon cancer, the increase for men was 55%.
So they have risen like this within the year 2022?
[Dr. Krüger:]
Exactly, these figures came up during that time. They were recorded for 2022. And in the case of pancreatic cancer, the increase for women is 80%. And we’re talking about people aged 15-44 here. So really very young people. And what is also alarming is malignant melanoma, i.e. black skin cancer. The increase for men was 120%.
Wow, yes.
[Dr. Krüger:]
And then there are the brain tumors, which usually – malignant brain tumors often affect older people. And here you can see an increase of up to 35% among men.
[Dr. Krüger:]
Incredible figures.
[Dr. Krüger:]
And here it has to be said – the vaccination – the so-called vaccination – was introduced in 2021.
Introduced, yes.
[Dr. Krüger:]
Yes. And so, that was the following year. And we don’t yet know what things will look like in 2023 or 2024.
We don’t know that yet, yes.
[Dr. Krüger:]
So that really needs to be repeated: So 2021 was actually the start of the main vaccination season. That’s when people were shot with this new technology. And in 2022, shortly afterwards, there are these extreme increases.
[Dr. Krüger:]
Now we also know – we have already made programs on this issue on Kla.TV – that this corona vaccination, this alleged vaccination, also triggers other diseases. And you’ve also written a book about it. I’ll hold it up to the camera here. It’s: “Vaccinated and dead”. What else can you tell us about it?
[Dr. Krüger:]
In the book, I have compiled the findings of Prof. Arne Burkhardt, which he discovered with his institute. He carried out a second examination of deceased persons whose relatives thought that the death might be related to these injections.
[Dr. Krüger:]
And this book shows the suffering that struck these people.
[Dr. Krüger:]
And not only did people fall ill, but people actually died after these injections. And what we found is that the more injections which were administered, the greater was the damage done to the body.
[Dr. Krüger:]
And in the interview you learn more about this issue.
Good, yes. So, I’m just wondering what they did to you. You were once part of this mainstream medicine. And then you made this discovery. Before you hadn’t noticed that these shocking developments were taking place. What did that do to you and what happened next?
[Dr. Krüger:]
Well, what completely shocked me was that politics determined the science. In other words, politics controlled the healthcare system. And now you can read up on this clearly, in those RKI papers that have been published. And for me this is an absurdity. And then I could no longer work in this system and couldn’t stand to watch it. I said: “I don’t want to have anything else to do with this.” And for me it was also completely pointless to diagnose any breast tumors that another colleague may have caused with the injection. And that’s why I resigned last year. And I could already see that I would no longer be able to work in this field of medicine. So I’ve done a lot of further training over the last few years. And I opened my own holistic medical practice at the beginning of this year, focusing on disease prevention.
Yes, that makes more sense than injecting the people, right?
[Dr. Krüger:]
Well, let’s point this out once more: It was not true, what politicians, the media and the pharmaceutical industry actually told us, that these mRNA vaccinations were safe, effective and that they had hardly any side effects – that’s what we were always told.
No, but instead it is obvious that cancer rates are rising enormously, as are other disease rates. And this precisely following the worldwide introduction of these injections. And yet, the fact is that things are actually continuing in this direction at full throttle. We’ve heard that new vaccines are to be launched on the market, all using this mRNA technology. They say it’s the best there is – that is the tenor we’re hearing.
And so we actually have to appeal to the people, including you, dear viewers, to stop participating in this. That’s actually what I would advise people to do, after hearing all this. And thank you too, Dr. Krüger, for the interview and for bringing this up again. Thank you also for your courage in standing up and summoning the courage to leave the system and build something of your own. We need people like you. Thank you very much. Do you have any final words for the audience?
[Dr. Krüger:]
Yes, with pleasure. Don’t be afraid, get yourself informed, and, above all, trust your immune system. It’s fantastic.
Wonderful. Then, dear viewers, you too can help spread this information. Because as we’ve heard, the mainstream media are reporting exactly the opposite. And this disaster caused by the pharmaceutical industry, medicine, politics and the media must be stopped. And it is through us, through the people. So please help as well! Thank you very much.
from ch.
Histo-Atlas Vaccinated – Died
Website of Dr. Krüger’s Medical Practice
UK – Death Trends for Malignant Neoplasms, Ages 15-44 Analysis of Individual Causes
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