241122 They Are Making Sure You Pay No Attention to This.mp4

2 months ago

Nov 22, 2024 ...................... 6:31

"Elon Musk: I Can FINALLY Tell You EVERYTHING!!"

Special thanks to Victor Davis Hanson
The End of Everything: https://shorturl.at/N57eE

Have universities abandoned their mission of education for the sake of political activism? Victor Davis Hanson explores how institutions that claim tax-exempt status and accept federal funding have become breeding grounds for partisan agendas. From silencing dissenting professors to penalizing non-conformist viewpoints, academia now prioritizes ideology over intellectual diversity.

Hanson concludes that reforming higher education requires more than surface-level changes—it demands a cultural shift. Institutions must either stand by their ideological positions without public support or recommit to their foundational purpose of promoting open inquiry. Without this reckoning, the credibility and influence of American universities will continue to erode.

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