A Short and Convoluted History of the Vz. 58

2 months ago

Often confused with the Soviet Union's AK-47, Czechoslovakia's Vz. 58 has almost nothing in common with its more famous counterpart. Despite being overshadowed by Mikhail Kalashnikov's creation, Jiří Čermák's Vz. 58 was a well-regarded rifle with its own interesting history.

0:12 Introduction
1:31 A Closer Look at the Vz. 58
4:21 Before the Vx. 58
6:25 Who Was Jiri Cermak?
9:28 Continuing the Story
17:25 Variants of the Vz. 58
18:57 Other Users of the Vz. 58
20:16 The Legacy of the Vz. 58

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Music (Czechoslovakian communist anthems):

Kupředu levá, zpátky ni krok!/Forwards Left, Not a Step Backwards!
Píseň práce/The Song of Labour
Pochod mládeže/March of the youth
Pochod Rudých Námořníků/March of the Red Sailors
Sloužíme straně/We Serve the Party
Varšavjanka/The Varsovian
Zítřek je náš/Tomorrow is Ours

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