How To Train Your Dragon | Full Trailer

3 months ago

With many wondering why DreamWorks chose to adapt How to Train Your Dragon into live-action, the studio's teaser trailer confirms a major fear about the upcoming remake. Announced in February 2023, the new movie has been in the works for around two years. The project is recalling writer/director Dean DeBlois, who has been one of the most heavily involved creatives with the Dragons movie franchise to date. Those familiar with the original will probably experience very few surprises when watching the live-action version, begging the question of why a live-action How to Train Your Dragon cast has been assembled.

The animated How to Train Your Dragon movies and TV shows create a sprawling saga of the shifting dynamic between the franchise's Vikings and their scaly adversaries-turned-allies. However, the upcoming remake won't slot into the vast continuity that already exists but instead appears to be starting from scratch. DreamWorks isn't the first studio to explore this avenue with an existing movie or franchise, but adapting this particular story has resulted in many raised eyebrows for several reasons. With so many exciting stories and fights across the Dragons franchise already, it's unclear what a remake could offer.

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