This Old Man Taught Me To Be On Guard

3 months ago

This Old Man Taught Me To Be On Guard - If you are in #sales and have #inhomeappointments make sure you can handle yourselves. Here are some common sense tips: #DontTurnYourBack on people, don’t be #flashy , don’t carry #money , #blend into your environment , carry yourself in a #calmmanor , #workinpairs , carry a #stungun , #trustnoone , #trustinstincts , #keepsafedistance , #oldpeoplearewild . These are a few tips. I have stories, and I’ve seen a lot. Don’t #showfear of people or #animals. Most of all #begenuine #berespectful of the #person and their #neighborhood. You’ll be ok. #sincerity goes a long way. Lastly, carry #food . 😂🤣😂 Strangers will ask for money, which you don’t carry. Offer them a home baked #brownie or #cookie. Their faces light up!

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