Mac Dominick's Jesus the Gatekeeper Part 1

3 months ago

Join Mac Domonick as he dives into the mystery of Jesus the gatekeeper to Heaven and Hell.

In Matthew 16, while standing on Mount Hermon, Jesus said to Peter, on this rock, I will build my church; and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

Catholics have taken this to mean that God would build His church on Peter. Peter is posthumously the first Pope, establishing the lineage of spiritual leadership in the Catholic Church.

Protestants believe that Jesus is referring to Himself as the rock on which the church is built. This is further backed up in 1 Peter 2 where Peter himself calls Christ a living stone.

But what if the rock on which God builds his church is something else? 4,400 years earlier, the Watchers descended on Mount Hermon, the very mountain on which Jesus stood when referring to the rock.

What is the rock on which Jesus built his church?

Find out in this episode of Marginal Mysteries.

#ConspiracyTheory #Watchers #Heaven #Afterlife #Bible

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