Tent cities continue to grow along Chicago's lakefront, sparking concerns for residents

3 months ago

DuSable Lake Shore Drive is often praised as one of the most beautiful roadways in the world.

But in recent months, it’s also become a scene of hardship as tent communities of homeless individuals have appeared along the northern part of the city’s lakefront.

One alderman is now working to find a balance between supporting those in need and addressing safety concerns in her community.

"We've gotten calls from constituents, neighbors, anyone who walks on the lakefront that they've seen an increase in the tents," said 48th Ward Alderwoman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth.

Manaa-Hoppenworth said that the issue has become particularly serious in the parks along DuSable Lake Shore Drive between Montrose and Bryn Mawr, with some areas almost completely taken over by tent encampments.

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