Faith is what makes me question the morality in what I do or what others do

2 months ago

My #Faith is what makes me question the #morality in what I do or what others do. I am not judging, even though I am saying this based on knowledge from my own life experience. #Spirituality is never one size fits all because each experience is individual. Your thought process is different than mine. Therefore, I cannot be a #religious person. Everybody's experience with #God is different. My communion with God will always be different from yours. It's not more special but different.

I am a #spiritual and I don't think an individual should base their belief on what others are saying they should believe in or not. For example, if #ThomasSankara wasn't a man of #God, he wouldn't have impacted the #African world, or change our consciousness and remind us that we can be virtuous, generous and laborious. We can live an honest and pious life. He was killed because he was a too honest man.
Another example, I'd like to believe that Sor Juana Ines de La Cruz was a very pious woman before she joined a convent at 21. Historians tend to repeat that she did that so that she can have access to libraries and become a scholar, simply for the fact that she was a woman and in her era, she wouldn't be allowed to have a higher #education. Would you leave everything behind you, your life, your family, a possible future where you could have married and have children at the age of 21? Really? Sor Juana wasn't poor. She grew up around a large library. She served at the court of the Viceroy of New #Spain. She could have easily married a noble man. I get the woman was a genius but even Mozart and Beethoven sought #love.
When it comes to President #Putin, I don't know. I only say what I see in my dream and what I can analyze with my own eyes. He's a brilliant strategist: reinforcing the #Orthodox #Church, and provident financial assistance to encourage having children, funding agriculture in the most nature challenging areas in #Russia, promoting #Africa's independence from the #imperialist West, the fight against #slavery and #colonialism, those are aggressive and effective propaganda.

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