Cuddly Dog Gets His Tummy Scratched

6 years ago

I love cuddles so much! I don’t even think there is a cuddlier person in the world than me! Even my boyfriend started calling me his lemur after he saw some video about a cute lemur asking to be scratched. I literally think I would die the moment nobody wants to cuddle me! I’m such an addict I cannot describe it! LOL! \nSeems like this cute dog from the video is my spirit animal. As the video begins, we see him lying on his back and enjoying his tummy scratches. Hilarious! I think he really enjoys life! What do you think? There is no greater hedonist than him! I swear I can’t think of anybody, human or animal, who enjoys more than him. LOL! I wish I had somebody to cuddle me whenever I want to as well! I really do envy this dog! LOL! Maybe his family can adopt me and I will get tummy scratches too? LOL!

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