Mansions for me, but homelessness for thee: Newsom spent $9.1M on new digs in Bay Area

3 months ago

How can Gov. Gavin Newsom, leader of the fifth-largest economy in the world, be so mind-numbingly obtuse to the lives led by average Californians? In light of Newsom’s purchase of a $9.1 million home in Marin County, one of the wealthiest counties in America, any Californians struggling to put Thanksgiving dinner on the table this year are rightfully left with a bad taste in their mouths.

As The Bee reported on Monday, “Newsom’s office declined to discuss the move, or whether Newsom personally bought the property, but a spokesperson did tell The Bee that “to ensure continuity in their children’s education, the family continues to split their time between Sacramento and Marin counties.”

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