Chickens Cross The Road

3 months ago

Occurred on November 21, 2024 / Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Info from Licensor: "At 8:50am November 21, 2024, I had just dropped off my child at school in southern Las Vegas, Nevada and as I was exiting the school parking lot, the crossing guard stopped me plus traffic going both ways to allow school children and parents to cross the street. I spotted a white and black chicken following them across the street! As the crossing guard let us resume driving, I rolled down my passenger side window and sarcastically asked her, 'Why did the chickens cross the road?' It was a very odd as there are no farms or such in the area, just a school in the middle of a large residential neighborhood and the main interstate, I-15, directly behind the school. Not only were chickens crossing the road, but they were using the crosswalk with a present crossing guard!"

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