2 months ago

Have you ever heard of, or are you familiar with, the term anthropomorphism? It is a Greek word that means: “Morphing into, or taking the form of, an Anthropos (human).” It is the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to non-human entities, including gods or goddesses.

As a species, we are rather inclined to anthropomorphize. We have been doing it from the dawn of man’s existence. It is our way of perceiving and interacting with the world. We do it so as to more easily understand and explain that which we can neither explain nor understand.

The simple truth is this... no one (who is living today) really knows what or who or where God is. We know there is something that created all that we see and hear and taste and feel and smell every moment of our lives. There must be. There has to be. Such things do not just happen out of nothingness.

Unfortunately for we humans, with our big, curious brains...our highly advanced and superior brains, we must have answers and reasons and causes for everything or else we are unsettled.

This is why we’ve tried so desperately for centuries to make God a him-or-her human. It is easier to explain things this way, even if the explanations we come up with are not true or factual or realistic. It is how the Bible stories came about sheds a great deal of light on the reason for and the no-doubt invalidity of The Christmas Story.

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