Polish Special Forces JW FORMOZA

3 months ago

Jednostka Wojskowa Formoza,(2007-2011 Morska Jednostka Działań Specjalnych, MJDS) (en. Naval Special Operations Unit), other old names: Sekcje Działań Specjalnych Marynarki Wojennej (Polish Navy Special Operations Sections), Grupy Specjalne Płetwonurków (Special Frogmen Groups).JWF is now part of Wojska Specjalne (1975-2008 - part of the Polish Navy). The Formoza was founded in 1975. Its first commanding officer was (now a retired) certified commander, kmdr por. dypl. Józef Rembisz. In 1974, a research team dealing with matters related to naval frogmen was created. The team was to draw up a concept for the organisation and formation of a special division of naval frogmen.


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