The Book of Enoch - Introduction and Chapter 1

3 months ago

Many of you may have been told by your pastor or others to stay away from the Book of Enoch…

First of all, "God hasn't given us a Spirit of Fear, but of Power, Love and a Sound Mind". True Christians are not meant to operate in fear, but rather to be bold as lions, and to use their Holy Spirit discernment.

Secondly, as we saw with Daniel, there is an active effort by MYSTERY BABYLON to suppress the proper Biblical world view, in favor of lies like "evolution", "millions of years" and "a moving earth" (despite what your own senses tell you). MYSTERY BABYLON is a confluence of demonic, political, financial, religious, academic and social powers working to distance you, as far as possible, from the One True God, YAHUAH (I-AM-THAT-I-AM) and His Son, who comes in His Father's name, YAHUSHA (I-AM-SAVES). As the Bible says, "Let God be True, and every man a liar"

The Book of Enoch, which was very well known in Jesus' (YAHUSHA's) day, clearly opposes all of MYSTERY BABYLON'S lies and so they needed to actively suppress it, destroying nearly all known copies by the 5th century AD. It was only through God's Sovereign Grace, that the Book of Enoch was rediscovered, in 1773…

One only needs to read the 1st 2 verses of Enoch to see this is just how God intended it… the blessing for the elect is providing spiritual truths to combat the lies of our day

As much as Mystery Babylon tries to suppress the Book of Enoch, God has made it available in the last days for the Elect and Righteous: Those that desire Truth, and will not settle for lies

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