Ex Military Whistle Blower On GeoEngineering

27 days ago

In this must-watch video, we hear from Kristen Meghan, a former US Air Force whistleblower who exposed the alarming practices of geoengineering back in 2014. With nine years of experience in bio-environmental engineering, Meghan reveals the ongoing use of stratospheric aerosol injection, a technique now openly acknowledged by authorities as part of climate change mitigation efforts. She emphasizes that these practices involve dangerous chemicals such as sulphates, barium, and strontium being pumped into the atmosphere, which pose significant health risks. Meghan warns that these toxicants contaminate our food and soil, and cannot be easily filtered out. While some states have begun to ban these practices, she stresses the importance of public awareness: “People really need to wake up to it.” Join us as we delve into Meghan's startling claims and discuss the implications of geoengineering on our health and environment.
#Geoengineering #KristenMeghan #MustWatch #WeatherModification #StratosphericAerosolInjection #PublicAwareness #EnvironmentalHealth #Whistleblower #ClimateChange #ToxicChemicals

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