How to "Gate-crash A Blessing" 🤔👀😊

3 months ago

Key Scripture 👇

Mark 5:25-34 📖

Beloved of GOD ALMIGHTY,

Now you know how to "Gate-crash A Blessing 😊,... 12 years was a long time of agony and suffering.. she had reached the end point that really fueled in BIG Faith 💪, nothing else mattered, if only she could touch the hem of HIS Garment, it did not matter if JESUS CHRIST 👑 was busy that day or the next, whether she was in the prayer line or not, whatever was happening that day never mattered anymore,...that sickness, infirmity, problem, issue, malady, disease had to go away ..

May we grab that Big Faith and spend it on the Promises of GOD ALMIGHTY, you need healing, whatever it is you need, Our HEAVENLY FATHER 👑 won't turn you away...but you got to have that Big Faith, remember it is impossible to please GOD ALMIGHTY without Faith.. (Hebrews 11:6 📖) He who comes to GOD must believe that HE is, and that HE is a rewarder of those who diligently seek HIM 🙏🌟

GOD Bless You Beloved 🎁🤗

Blessings 🎁🤗 Beloved of GOD ALMIGHTY 🙏


Video Credit 🎥; joyce.ndungu.m3 (TikTok)

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