Remnants of Ancient Advanced Technology #podcast #grahamhancock #history #ancient #egypt

3 months ago

Relics of Formerly Used Advanced Technology The amount of technology that has vanished from our past is astounding. Graham Hancock describes all of the ties that our ancestors left us throughout significant, catastrophic events in the past.

Graham Hancock is a journalist and author who for over 30 years, has explored the controversial possibility that there existed a lost civilization during the last Ice Age and that it was destroyed in a global cataclysm some 12,000 years ago. He is the presenter of the Netflix documentary series "Ancient Apocalypse", the 2nd season of which has just been released.

Our channel and videos are based on facts, rumors, and fiction.
For entertainment purposes only.

#podcast #science #history #ancienthistory #ancient #ancientcivilizations #egypt #ancientegypt

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