Destiny Falls to Ruin

1 month ago

See the contrast of societies. Should we go back to founding principals, when Commonwealth of Australia has the third best standard of living in the world?

Nation: Websters 1886
1. The body of inhabitants of a country, united under tho same government; a people, as distinguished from those of diftcrent deBcent, language, or institutions; race; stock.
A nation is the unity of a people.-Coleridge.
Syn. — People; race. See People

NATlON. Samuels Dictionary of English 1756
1. A people diftinguished from another people; generally by their language, origin, or government.

na'tion, Oxford 1919 n.
Distinct race or people having common descent, language, history, or political institutions.

I. Vangelis–1492 Conquest of Paradise conducted by Andrzej Kucybała
II. Destiny Falls to Ruin Solitude Aeturnus


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