Weather Warfare 101

2 months ago

A music video that exposes the Truth around Geoengineering AKA "The Real Man Made Climate Change" which is not the BS mainstream lies of Carbon Dioxide that drives our climate, but rather "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection" (SAI) or "Solar Radiation Modification" Programs that are spraying toxic heavy metals, Coal Fly Ash and Nanotechnology into our atmosphere thereby messing with our natural eco systems on Earth. Let's all wake up to the reality that there has been a "Covert Chemtrail Spraying Program" going on for decades as the list of Patents goes back over 100 years on Weather Modification Technology. The Military Industrial Complex has Weaponized our Weather 110%. Truth is always exposed to those who realize the lies and have the Eye's to look up into the sky and Question what they are seeing. I packed this video with facts anyone can go research themselves, so I hope this video sparks some fire in people to start speaking out and researching for themselves. After all it was the late US President Lyndon B Johnson who declared publicly in the early 1960's saying "He Who Controls The Weather Will Control The World!" and now we are seeing this reality!. Please Share far and wide and Like and follow if you want to see more. You can also follow me on my link below where all my other content is located on my main Rumble profile. Thanks for watching!

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